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End cutting board with 3D effect No.5. It is made of natural walnut and American maple wood.
Minimum quantity for "End cutting board with 3D effect No. 5" is 1.
Кофе Лювак (Kopi Luwak) - это самый редкий, самый дорогой и самый вкусный кофе в мире. В желудке мусанга происходит особая ферментация кофейных зерен, благодаря которой кофе и приобретает совершенно особую мягкость, деликатную терпкость и очень изысканное послевкусие горького шоколада.
Ingredients: carrots, cinnamon
Carrot tea with cinnamon is a delicious natural drink that will fill you with mood and well-being for the whole day. The rich, multifaceted taste and mesmerizing aroma of this tea will give you an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort.
Dried carrots are a unique natural remedy that helps to strengthen the immune system. Tea is especially useful for children in that it strengthens the skeletal and muscular system, which is very important for babies during the period of active growth and development. Increases the body's resistance to infections.
Cinnamon normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, is useful for gastritis in the mild stages. Stimulates brain activity, improves blood flow to the brain. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood composition, normalizes heart function.
Minimum quantity for "Velvet evening" is 1.
The end-mounted rotary jewelry box is made of natural wenge and birch wood.
Minimum quantity for "Jewelry box, wooden, swivel, end" is 1.
Plate (menazhnitsa) for nuts 300x300x20 mm, made of natural walnut.
Minimum quantity for "Plate (menazhnitsa) for nuts 300x300x20 mm" is 1.
Кофе Лювак (Kopi Luwak) - это самый редкий, самый дорогой и самый вкусный кофе в мире. В желудке мусанга происходит особая ферментация кофейных зерен, благодаря которой кофе и приобретает совершенно особую мягкость, деликатную терпкость и послевкусие горького шоколада.
Ingredients: dried carrots, rosemary, hibiscus, ginger, lemongrass
Herbal tea with rosemary can surprise with a unique combination of tastes and aromas. Helps preserve beauty and youth. Tones, gives strength and strengthens the immune system.
Rosemary - the unique actions of rosemary are due to the useful components included in the composition: rosemary acid; carnosol; potassium; cellulose; calcium; vitamin A; folic acid; phytoncides; copper; iron; alkaloids; vitamin B6; rosmanol; vitamin C; ursolic acid; magnesium; manganese; tannins; flavonoids - luteolin and apigenin. Rosemary improves brain function. Effective for antibacterial, antiviral prophylaxis. Relaxes the nervous system and eliminates insomnia. The herb scent combines the aromas of lemon, pine needles, eucalyptus, camphor and citrus.
Hibiscus is the dried flower of the Sudanese rose. It stabilizes blood pressure, increases the elasticity, strength of blood vessels, strengthening the walls, lowers cholesterol levels and removes "bad" from the body, heals the gastrointestinal tract, effectively fights viruses and bacteria, stimulates the liver and cleanses it, relieves hangovers.
Ginger has a unique combination of flavor and medicinal properties. It has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, resorption, antispasmodic, carminative, stimulating, healing, diaphoretic, tonic, bactericidal, choleretic, antibacterial effect. It has a strong antioxidant and sedative effect, strengthens the immune system, well protects against parasites, inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Lemongrass (lemon grass) on the one hand tones and gives strength, despite the absence of caffeine, and on the other hand, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has a relaxing effect during stress, helps to normalize sleep and improves mood. The plant is a natural affrodisiac.
Minimum quantity for "The magic of the morning" is 1.
End cutting board with 3D effect No.3. It is made of natural walnut wood, American maple, cherry.
Minimum quantity for "End cutting board with 3D effect No. 3" is 1.
End cutting board with 3D "Butterfly" effect. It is made of natural walnut and birch wood.
Minimum quantity for "End cutting board with 3D effect "Butterfly"" is 1.
The wooden end box for the ring. It is made of natural paduka wood.
Minimum quantity for "Wooden ring box, end, 60х40х35 мм." is 1.