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All information presented on the site, including those related to technical characteristics, images, availability in stock, cost of goods, is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer under any circumstances, determined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Product images on the site, including color, pattern and other elements, may differ from the original products. Clicking on the buttons "Buy", "Place order", "Checkout", as well as the subsequent filling of certain forms, does not impose any obligations on the site owners. A message sent by e-mail containing a copy of the completed application form on the site is not a response to the consumer's message or an order confirmation from the site owners. The site owner reserves the right to change the terms of service, prices at any time, and also depending on the selected region or country. Discounts do not apply to products at special prices and are not cumulative. By placing an order on the website or otherwise becoming a client of our company, you accept all of the above conditions.