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3 300.00 
The Norvind pro wall inlet valve creates natural forced ventilation in the room, which allows you to solve the problem of mold, stuffiness and...
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Save 13%
11 150.00  9 696.00 
Active ventilation kit: Turbo deflector TD160, vent. insulated outlet H-700 height, for a pitched roof - serves to increase the draft in the ventilation...
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Height:860 mm
Width:280 mm

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Save 13%
10 072.00  8 759.00 
Active ventilation kit: Nano-deflector ND160 with cuff, ventilation outlet 110 not insulated, for corrugated board 35 mm - serves to increase draft in the...
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Save 8%
9 501.00  8 709.00 
Active ventilation kit: Nano-deflector ND160 with cuff, vent.outlet 110 not insulated, for corrugated board C-21 mm - serves to increase draft in the...
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Save 13%
8 474.00  7 369.00 
Ventilation kit: Hood D160, vent. insulated outlet H-500 height, passage element for bituminous roofing - serves to create an exhaust hood in the...
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Save 8%
9 583.00  8 783.00 
Ventilation kit: Hood D160, vent. insulated outlet H-700 height, for roofing corrugated board C-21 mm - serves to create an exhaust hood in the...
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Height:900 мм.

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Save 14%
960.00  830.00 
Roofing sealant is a plasticizing mass made on the basis of artificial rubber with the addition of various components. It is preferable to use rubber...
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Save 10%
3 940.00  3 546.00 
The TD160 turbo deflector in galvanized painted metal consists of an active vane head mounted on a base with bearings that rotates under the action of the...
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2 750.00 
The wall supply valve Norvind classic creates natural supply ventilation in the room, which allows you to solve the problem of mold, stuffiness and...
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Save 13%
8 499.00  7 391.00 
Ventilati on kit: Hood D160, vent. insulated outlet H-500 height, for roofing corrugated board 20mm - serves to create an exhaust hood in the ventilation...
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 Сетка стеклопластиковая  , применяется во всех областях строительства, при кладке кирпичный и блочных стен,  при заливке фундамента, сливов, применяется в агрессивных средах, т.к не ржавеет и не гниёт, удобна при монтаже и логистике. выпускается шириной до 2,5 метра , ячейка от 50 до 400 мм, с прутком от 2 до 12 мм/                                                                       Fiberglass mesh is used in all areas of construction, when laying brick and block walls, when pouring foundations, drains, it is used in aggressive environments, because it does not rust or rot, it is convenient for installation and logistics. available up to 2.5 meters wide, mesh from 50 to 400 mm, with a bar from 2 to 12 mm

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Save 13%
9 878.00  8 590.00 
Ventilation kit: Hood D160, vent. insulated outlet H-700 height, passage element for bituminous roofing - serves to create an exhaust hood in the...
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Save 13%
9 792.00  8 515.00 
Active ventilation kit: Nano-deflector ND160 with cuff, ventilation outlet 110 not insulated, for Monterrey metal tiles - serves to increase draft in the...
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Save 13%
9 878.00  8 590.00 
Ventilation kit: Hood D160, vent. insulated outlet H-700 height, for pitched roof - serves to create an exhaust hood in the ventilation duct of a private...
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Save 5%
11 733.00  11 144.00 
Active ventilation kit: Turbo deflector TD160 HST, vent. insulated outlet H-700 height, for pitched roof - serves to increase the draft in the ventilation...
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Height:860 mm
Width:245 mm

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Save 8%
8 251.00  7 562.00 
Ventilation kit: Hood D160, vent. insulated outlet H-500 height, for roofing corrugated board C-21 mm - serves to create an exhaust hood in the...
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Душевой уголок полукруг 90, стекло, серии "Классик" - ООО РУСЭЛКОМ - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 19%
15 990.00  12 990.00 

Душевой уголок имеет размер 870х870х1770 мм.

Уголок изготовлен из матового анодированного алюминиевого профиля серебристого цвета. Матовая поверхность профиля придает уголку привлекательный внешний вид.

Стенки уголка выполнены из закаленного травмобезопасного прозрачного стекла толщиной 4 мм.

Механизм раздвижения-сдвижения створок, работает на основе двойных верхних и одинарных нижних роликов.

Магнитная лента плотно фиксирует стеклянные двери в закрытом положении, создавая надежный барьер от брызг, оставляя ванную комнату сухой.

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Save 8%
9 612.00  8 811.00 
Active ventilation kit: Turbo deflector TD160, vent. insulated outlet H-500 height, for roofing corrugated board S-21 mm - serves to increase draft in the...
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Save 6%
10 800.00  10 150.00 
Active ventilation kit: Turbo deflector TD160 OTs, vent. insulated outlet H-700 height, passage element for bituminous roofing - serves to increase draft...
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Save 13%
13 161.00  11 445.00 
Active ventilation kit: Nano-deflector ND160 with a cuff, vent.outlet 110 not insulated, universal pass-through element, brown - serves to increase draft in...
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Save 13%
8 499.00  7 391.00 
Ventilation kit: Hood D160, vent. insulated outlet H-500 height, for roofing corrugated board 20mm - serves to create an exhaust hood in the ventilation...
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Аrticle: 50.09.1
Height: 720 mm
Width: 320 mm

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