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Health & Beauty


A fragrant drink that supports women's health, hormonal balance and beauty.

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A tea drink with a wonderful refreshing taste and a unique bouquet of aromas will give you spiritual harmony, relieve anxiety, and give you a sound sleep. Enjoy tea and give your body peace and health!

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Reliable protection for the whole day. A specially developed composition will protect your body from daily stress and fatigue. Promotes the formation of natural immunity, improves mood, stabilizes blood pressure.

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Accelerates metabolism, has a mild diuretic effect, promotes natural weight loss.

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Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the work of the heart, supports the nervous system.

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Treatment and prevention of urological diseases, improvement of vitality.

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Increases the strength of the venous wall, thins blood, strengthens blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect.

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Ointment for varicose veins, natural, Altai.

Indications for use: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, vascular fragility, manifestations of external hemorrhoids, swelling of the lower extremities, heaviness and fatigue of the legs.

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For problem skin, healing.

Action: has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, heals wounds, counteracts the spread of infection, increases skin immunity, heals and gives a healthy complexion.

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Natural herbal tea will serve as an excellent addition to the composition of diets for weight loss, will help speed up metabolism and burning of lipid tissues, reduce appetite and normalize the digestive system. It has mild sedative properties and will help to avoid stress associated with weight loss.

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Restorative herbal tea for raising the tone of the body, increasing resistance to diseases, relieving nervous tension, increasing mental and physical activity. It contains St. John's wort and red brush in its composition, has a fortifying effect and has high taste qualities.

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A natural source of strength and strong male health based on natural concentrates of medicinal plants. The drink promotes the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, increases sexual activity and has a restorative effect.

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Aromatic herbal tea based on the classic combination of ivan tea, oregano, currant, raspberry and labaznik. Having a great taste, it disposes to a leisurely conversation and a pleasant rest. It has a restorative effect, improves mood and improves tone.

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Herbal tea with chamomile, oregano and mint will ease shortness of breath with acute respiratory viral infections, flu and sore throat. It will relieve pain and discomfort in the larynx, help to quickly cope with colds and avoid complications. The drink has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

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Restorative herbal tea for raising the tone of the body, increasing resistance to diseases, relieving nervous tension, increasing mental and physical activity. It contains St. John's wort and red brush in its composition, has a fortifying effect and has high taste qualities.

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Herbal tea with motherwort helps strengthen the functions of the cardiovascular system, normalizes heart rate and blood pressure. The drink will help relieve nervous tension and prevent heart diseases associated with it, restore sound sleep and raise the tone.

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Herbal tea with the aroma of forest herbs will help normalize the digestive system, improve the digestibility of food, prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. A large amount of vitamins gives the drink healing and restorative properties.

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A fragrant source of health and strong immunity based on wild fruits and herbs, will help to increase the body's defenses, avoid many disorders and complications after diseases. Tea has immunostimulating properties and a healing effect, provides protection against colds, flu and SARS.

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Vitamin herbal tea will help to enjoy the taste of natural herbs and fruits, make up for the lack of nutrients in the body, prevent endocrine disorders associated with a violation of the balance of minerals, improve overall tone and strengthen health.

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Aromatic tea made from wild herbs will help maintain the health of the liver, biliary tract and gallbladder. It has anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects, normalizes metabolic processes and improves digestion. It contains a vitamin and mineral complex and promotes the health of the whole body.

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Evening soothing herbal tea relieves nervous tension, irritability and fatigue. Promotes the restoration of strength and energy, healthy sleep, spiritual harmony and good mood. Tea will help to avoid depressive states and nervousness, strengthen the functions of the central nervous system and increase stress resistance.

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Natural herbal tea will serve as an excellent addition to the composition of diets for weight loss, will help speed up metabolism and burning of lipid tissues, reduce appetite and normalize the digestive system. It has mild sedative properties and will help to avoid stress associated with weight loss.

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Fragrant herbal tea created especially for women. It is a source of phytohormones, vitamins and minerals. Prevents the development of gynecological disorders, restores hormonal balance and normalizes metabolism. Helps to preserve beauty and youth for many years.

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It is used to treat wounds, cuts, abrasions, herpes, and other skin diseases:
- as an additional remedy for chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, itchy dermatoses, trophic ulcers that do not heal for a long time;
- accelerates epithelization in psoriasis, burns, frostbite;
- reduces itching and soreness after insect bites;
- with fungal diseases of the feet;
- promotes the resorption of seals, stimulates tissue healing, prevents the development of rough scars after various injuries: wounds, burns, frostbite, postoperative sutures, furunculosis, acne on the face;
- restores the elasticity of the skin, softens it when chapped and dry.

Also, it is great for the prevention of ARVI, we lubricate the nostrils in the morning and in the evening, when coughing and signs of acute respiratory infections, we rub it into the chest area. With herpes, lubricate the affected area.

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Use for joint pain, arthritis, arthrosis, ostiochondrosis, muscle pain, intervertebral hernia, tumors, swelling.

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It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Indications for use: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, vascular fragility, manifestations of external hemorrhoids, swelling of the lower extremities, heaviness and fatigue of the legs.

It is used in the treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, gout, articular rheumatism. Relieves pain, blocks the inflammatory process, reduces swelling in the diseased joint, removes salt deposits from the joints, relaxes muscles, improves blood movement.

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Solid "Tar" toilet soap is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit to the health of the skin. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. Birch tar has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, improves tissue regeneration and overall skin condition.

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Pine oil in the soap has a strong antibacterial effect, tones the skin, helps reduce puffiness. Cleanses skin pores, enhances local blood circulation.

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Handmade natural soap "With mums" is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit to the health of the skin. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. The soap is enriched with the healing properties of mummie, which prevents skin aging, promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells, deeply cleanses and tones.

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Handmade natural soap "With lime honey" is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit to the health of the skin. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. Lime honey perfectly moisturizes and softens dry skin, fills it with nutrients and vitality, protects it from the effects of aggressive environmental factors.

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Soap "With stone oil" is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit to the health of the skin. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. Stone oil enriches soap with its healing properties, it nourishes the skin with micro- and macroelements, prolongs youth, gently cleanses and disinfects.

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For colored hair.

Strengthens and restores hair after damage, eliminates dryness, fragility and cross-section of the ends by moisturizing them, stimulates growth, making curls soft and silky.

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Restoration and shine.

Effective regenerating care, action from the outside and from the inside along the entire length of the hair. Prevents brittleness and delamination of the tips, regulates the sebaceous glands, facilitates combing, gives a healthy shine.

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For all hair types.

Gives the hair a healthy and well-groomed appearance, improves the condition of the skin, making the curls voluminous and silky, charging them with strength and energy.

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Strengthening and growth of hair.

Promotes active hair growth, saturates them with nutrients and energy, providing regeneration of the structure strengthens the hair follicles, gives the curls obedience and softness.

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For dry and damaged hair.

Natural solid shampoo "with cedar sap" is perfect for dry, damaged and frequently dyed hair. Heals and soothes the scalp, gives the hair softness and silkiness. Moisturizes, fills the hair with vitamins and trace elements, prevents breakage, restores healthy hair structure, restoring their vitality. Siberian cedar is a unique natural product, which has no analogues in nature.

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For normal and oily hair.

Natural solid shampoo "with oregano and birch leaf" helps regulate the fat balance of hair and scalp, improves metabolic processes, promotes the influx of vitamins and nutrients, providing the necessary care and nutrition for the beauty and health of hair.

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Fragrant herbal tea created especially for women. It is a source of phytohormones, vitamins and minerals. Prevents the development of gynecological disorders, restores hormonal balance and normalizes metabolism. Helps to preserve beauty and youth for many years.

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A fragrant source of health and strong immunity based on wild fruits and herbs, will help to increase the body's defenses, avoid many disorders and complications after diseases. Tea has immunostimulating properties and a healing effect, provides protection against colds, flu and SARS.

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A natural source of strength and strong male health based on natural concentrates of medicinal plants. The drink promotes the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, increases sexual activity and has a restorative effect.

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This gift set is perfect for the most beloved and gentle man, teacher or mentor.

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For the beauty and health of women, we recommend using the "formula of health" herbal collection, which combines the unique strongest plants for the treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases.

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The composition of herbs is selected to strengthen immunity, increase the body's resistance during colds and viral diseases.

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The best and most effective herbs for delicate baby skin are collected in this composition. Chamomile, calendula and celandine have a mild cleansing and soothing effect. Nettle will give a vitamin charge and will have a relaxing effect.

We recommend using it for bathing.

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When your vitality is reduced, you need strength to get an additional charge of energy using a tonic phytosbor.

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The composition of herbs is selected in such a way that you can enjoy the aroma of the Altai taiga, feel its cleansing and healing effect.

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The wonderful aroma of this composition has a beneficial effect on the emotional background, relieves fatigue, reduces the excitability of the nervous system, improves mood.

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Pine oil has a strong antibacterial effect, tones the skin, helps reduce puffiness. Cleanses skin pores, enhances local blood circulation.

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Handmade natural soap "With mums" is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit to the health of the skin. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. The soap is enriched with the healing properties of mummie, which prevents skin aging, promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells, deeply cleanses and tones.

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Soap components are selected so as to effectively solve the most common problems. Moisturizes and softens dry skin of the face, helping to eliminate its peeling. Antioxidants contained in honey reliably protect the skin from harmful environmental influences.

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Soap with rock oil is rich in macro- and microelements. Normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, prevents premature aging of the skin, disinfects and cleanses the skin.

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Soap components are selected so as to effectively solve the most common problems.

Soap with blue clay prolongs youth and beauty, has firming properties, smoothes wrinkles.

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Solid Fir toilet soap is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit for skin health. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. Fir sap, which is part of the soap, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, tones and rejuvenates the skin.

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Solid Sea Buckthorn toilet soap is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit to the health of the skin. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. Sea buckthorn oil in the soap has a beneficial effect on the skin, protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, brightens, evens out the color and tone, makes the skin soft and silky.

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Solid "Juniper" toilet soap is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit to the health of the skin. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. Juniper oil in the soap has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, eliminates lethargy and flabbiness, tones, evens out the color and relief.

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Solid Cedar toilet soap is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit to the health of the skin. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. Cedar sap, enriching soap, has stimulating and regenerating properties, protects the skin from premature aging, and has an antibacterial effect.

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Solid "Tar" toilet soap is exclusively natural ingredients, handmade and a huge benefit to the health of the skin. The unique production technology allows you to preserve all the useful substances of the components used, which were presented by the nature of the Altai Territory. Birch tar has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, improves tissue regeneration and overall skin condition.

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For dry skin prone to peeling.

Action: Relieves itching and inflammation, cleansing small wounds and pulling out fat, tightens pores, eliminates peeling. It is effective for rashes, age spots, irritations and redness. It improves the condition of the skin with vessels located close to the surface, strengthens the walls of capillaries.

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For oily skin.

Action: Perfectly mattifies, evens skin tone, helps to solve the problem of enlarged pores, soothes inflammation and prevents the spread of infection.

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For mature skin.

Action: Slows down the aging process, atrophic processes in facial muscles, vascular wall cells and epidermis, reduces facial wrinkles, significantly improves skin tone, preserves the oval of the face.

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For sensitive skin.

Action: Refreshes and soothes the skin, relieves irritation, narrows pores.

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An ideal remedy for problem skin care, prevents the appearance of acne and inflammation, easily and quickly restores the skin, heals micro-wounds.

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Pine oil is known for its medicinal properties. It is a powerful antiseptic, has a decongestant effect, promotes regeneration, rejuvenation of the skin, increases its protective properties. Due to the formation of natural collagen in the skin, it helps to smooth wrinkles. Cleanses skin pores, enhances local blood circulation.

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The antibacterial effect of the mums allows you to eliminate various rashes, dermatitis phenomena, microtrauma. The mummy causes the skin to tighten, this helps to eliminate fine wrinkles and leads to increased collagen formation. Eliminates toxins and toxins from the skin, which contributes to overall rejuvenation and the cessation of inflammation.

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Stone oil is rich in macro- and microelements, which contributes to a significant acceleration of the renewal of skin cells. It has proven itself as an effective remedy for stretch marks, as well as for skin rejuvenation, prevents premature skin aging. Due to its properties, it is suitable for skin care of any type.

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Blue clay prolongs youth and beauty, having a tightening property, it smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates the skin, making it more elastic and elastic. It has an anti-stress effect. It has a powerful cleansing effect, thereby whitening the skin and getting rid of age spots.

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Fir oil has a powerful anti-inflammatory property and acts as an antiseptic. Relieves irritation and redness of the skin, also prevents excessive production of sebum. Its regular use helps to relieve puffiness, smooth out shallow wrinkles, and significantly increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

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Due to the presence of a large amount of antioxidants, sea buckthorn oil perfectly protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet light and helps to maintain its softness and purity. The oil moisturizes the skin well, promotes hair growth and prevents the appearance of acne, and also helps to eliminate and lighten age spots and freckles, leveling the skin tone.

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Juniper oil promotes deep regeneration of skin cells, improving its condition, eliminating lethargy, flabbiness, uneven color and signs of fatigue, prevents the formation of scar tissue, eliminates stretch marks, heals wounds. Combines cleansing, astringent and antiseptic properties, qualitatively penetrates into the pores and prevents stagnation.

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Honey, thanks to its ability to penetrate deeply into the pores, nourishes the skin wonderfully, and prevents the evaporation of moisture, thereby giving the skin freshness and a feeling of hydration. Honey supports the natural fat balance of the skin, as a result of which it becomes supple and silky.

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The use of cedar gum is recommended for people with different skin types, it is perfectly absorbed into the skin and promotes healing of wounds and erosions on the skin and mucous membranes after injuries, burns and inflammatory processes. Soothes, relieves itching, redness and swelling after allergic manifestations on the skin.

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The essential oil of scots pine has expectorant properties combined with an increase in respiratory productivity, an optimizing effect on pulmonary circulation, relief of breathing during coughing and inflammation, general antipruritic, emollient and antipyretic effects. This oil helps to quickly return to normal life after viruses and colds, reducing sweating, dizziness, general lethargy, nausea, weakness.

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Fir oil has a combination of expectorant and inflammatory properties, perfectly soothes and relieves irritation of the respiratory tract, stops the development of diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.

Being an excellent natural source of phytoncides and provitamins, fir oil has a restorative effect and effectively stimulates both local and general immunity.

This is one of the most powerful analgesic oils for neuritis, arthrosis, neuralgia and osteochondrosis, while the pain-relieving effect is complemented by a decongestant effect.

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Juniper essential oil has a whole complex of therapeutic properties: antiseptic, tonic, cleansing, hypnotic, anti-rheumatic, diaphoretic, normalizing, insecticidal, wound healing, diuretic.

It is considered one of the most powerful cleansers, effectively removing toxins and improving the work of both the digestive tract (in addition to the traditional regulation of digestion, it promotes the restoration of mucous membranes) and the genitourinary system. Of all the essential oils, juniper is the most effective for cystitis, kidney stones and bladder. By relieving inflammation of the internal genitals, this essential oil adjusts the menstrual cycle.

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Being one of the strongest adaptogens among all essential oils, it effectively promotes adaptation to new climatic and geophysical conditions. This oil carries inspiration, protection, strength and faith in success.

Cedar oil has excellent antiseptic and antiviral characteristics. Belonging to the group of strong pulmonary antiseptics, it is used not only as an expectorant, but also as a soothing dry cough remedy.

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Pine nut oil is a rich source of vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and essential amino acids. Its regular use gives skin cells a new life, accelerates recovery, increases the skin's resistance to everyday stresses, improves oxygen supply.

Almond oil provides nutrition to the skin, counteracts the negative effects of temperature changes and environmental humidity.
Burdock root extract reduces the effect of toxins, promotes their elimination from the body. Regular use of the cream reduces puffiness of the skin, fights its aging.
Natural thyme essential oil improves tone and elasticity, supports the natural immunity of the skin.

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By regularly applying a completely natural, perfectly balanced and enriched product, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result, give your skin a fresh and healthy appearance, as well as protection from adverse environmental factors.

The cream is perfect for women under 25 years of age with oily skin.

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It contains all the microelements and minerals necessary for the skin.

Neutralizes the action of free radicals, slows down aging.

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A soft nourishing cream, ideal for even the most delicate and sensitive skin. It can be used as a baby cream, provided there is no allergy to honey.

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An excellent and versatile set for a gift to colleagues, family and friends. Suitable for both men and women.

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For dry and damaged hair.

Natural solid shampoo "with cedar sap" is perfect for dry, damaged and frequently dyed hair. Heals and soothes the scalp, gives the hair softness and silkiness. Moisturizes, fills the hair with vitamins and trace elements, prevents breakage, restores healthy hair structure, restoring their vitality. Siberian cedar is a unique natural product, which has no analogues in nature.

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"Taiga World" is a fragrant tea made from taiga herbs. The balanced composition will give a charge of vitamins and normalizes the emotional background, relieves fatigue. Try tea made from herbs from which bees collect wild honey.

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The tea drink “The World of Siberia" from fermented cypress is the most traditional tea of the peoples of Siberia. It has excellent taste qualities, goes well with honey and milk. People have long appreciated Ivan tea for its strong anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties, for its ability to improve blood composition, normalize blood pressure, prolong youth.

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Tea drink "The World of spirits", awakening vitality. Harmony of taste improves mood. Strengthens the immune system, improves blood composition. Regulates blood pressure.

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Indifference (Stone Patrinia) is used as an excellent sedative for disorders of the nervous system.

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It has a restorative, restorative, protective, wound healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal effect. It is used for colds and inflammatory processes, for infections of the digestive system, is effective for the treatment of cough, tracheitis, bronchitis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcer, beriberi, hypertension.

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A great set option for a strong and strong-willed man.

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"Altai World" is a refreshing tea with many flavors. Promotes comfortable digestion, has bactericidal and immunomodulatory properties. Accelerates metabolism, restores strength.

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"Mountain World" is a combination of herbs growing in the highlands, on rocks, along mountain streams. Increases the body's defenses, gives energy, helps the immune system resist pathogens, improves the digestive tract.

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Buy Tea with Kuril tea and oregano helps to reduce anxiety, improve sleep, has a calming effect, helps with depressed mood.

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Bai Tea with red root has tonic properties that help to have a stimulating effect on the nervous and immune system, and will also help eliminate fatigue, improve well-being and increase physical endurance.

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Bay Tea with badan and chaga has antiviral and immunostimulating properties, helps to improve and strengthen immunity, restore the body.

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Altyn Bai soap is a natural cleanser made by hand according to old recipes.This soap will help your skin stay fresh, young and beautiful for a long time.

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Wax candles, rolled from wax with herbs. They have a pleasant smell when burned.

Herbs used for making candles – wormwood, eucalyptus, mint.

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Beautiful, eco-friendly candles made by hand from 100% beeswax, with an extruded natural honeycomb pattern. Candles are made of wax sheets. Thanks to this, they retain an intense aroma and a beautiful, three-dimensional pattern and bright color.

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When gorenje candle fills the room with a pleasant honey aroma. It has a characteristic smell of honey or wax.

According to the chemical composition, beeswax is a complex compound of more than 300 substances and a person has not yet been able to create an artificial wax that is not inferior in quality to beeswax.

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