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It has a restorative and healing effect on the male body, enhances sexual function, increases endurance and performance, prevents the development of diseases of the male sexual sphere.

St. John's wort-stimulates regenerates tissues, improves venous circulation, relieves spasms and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;

Red root-used for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, impotence, infertility, various oncological diseases, helps to restore male sexual activity, improve blood circulation and eliminate stagnation in the prostate gland, restores strength during heavy physical exertion;

Golden root-has a pronounced stimulating property, normalize metabolic processes, relieve nervous tension, improve memory and attention.

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It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves mood, and normalizes sleep. Regular intake of the balm will save you from nervous fatigue.

Motherwort-has a calming effect and reduces headaches;

Oregano-calms the central nervous system and increases the secretion of the digestive and bronchial glands;

Valerian – used for insomnia and neurotic heart palpitations.

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Cedar nut-replenishes the reserves of iodine in the body, improves the performance of the thyroid gland.

Red brush-normalizes the hormonal background and the functioning of the endocrine system;

Golden root-has stimulating, anti-inflammatory properties, is used for low thyroid function.

The active substances of the herbs that make up the balm are an effective tool for the prevention of thyroid diseases, normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and make up for iodine deficiency. The balm helps to improve performance and increase attention.

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A natural complex of vitamins that provides nutritional support to the joints and connective tissue, increases the elimination of excess salts and water from the body. Increases joint mobility by strengthening bone tissue. It is effective for sciatica.

The composition of the balsam "Altai Mountains" includes such herbs as Sabelnik, St. John's Wort, Calamus, which helps to prevent diseases such as gout, joint rheumatism, as well as has analgesic, antispasmodic effects and forms the structure of cartilage tissue.

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Cedar balm, immunostimulating, rejuvenates the body, strengthens and promotes the creation of immunity after various diseases.

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Herbal tea. “Health Balm” from the “Crimean Health” series 80 grams. Ingredients: Sage leaf, oregano, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, lavender...
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Herbal tea. "Fortifying" from the series "Crimean health" 80 grams. Ingredients: Strawberry leaves, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort, thyme,...
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Herbal tea. "Immune" from the series "Crimean health" 80 grams. Ingredients: Nettle (leaf), oregano (herb), thyme (herb), chamomile (flowers),...
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Herbal tea. “Soothing” from the “Crimean Health” series 80 grams. Ingredients: Hawthorn fruits, nettle, blackberry leaf, chamomile, catnip, thyme,...
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Herbal tea. “Longevity” from the “Crimean Health” series 80 grams. Ingredients: nettle leaf, oregano, blackberry leaf, iron ore, thyme, agrimony, elder...
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Herbal tea. "Vitamin" from the series "Crimean health" 80 grams. Ingredients: dogwood (leaf), nettle (leaf), walnut (leaf), burdock (grass), sweet...
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For people with diabetes who eat foods high in fructose to avoid fluctuating insulin levels in the blood. The active substances of the herbs that make up...
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The tea drink “The World of Siberia" from fermented cypress is the most traditional tea of the peoples of Siberia. It has excellent taste qualities, goes well with honey and milk. People have long appreciated Ivan tea for its strong anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties, for its ability to improve blood composition, normalize blood pressure, prolong youth.

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The balm has a positive effect on the heart, dilates the coronary vessels. It is used for chronic heart failure, accompanied by tachycardia, as well as for angina, edema, chronic and acute glomerulonephritis. Moreover, unlike many heart remedies, the balm does not lower the cardiac conductivity and does not accumulate in the body.

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This is a unique composition of medicinal plants that help to cleanse the entire body of toxins, excess salts of heavy metals, fats and other harmful substances, activates the metabolism, improves the overall well-being of the entire body.

Altaysorbent-it is recommended as an enterosorbent for the removal of heavy metal salts, radionucleides from the body, for food, alcohol, chemical, drug intoxication, gastrointestinal disorders and infections, heartburn, flatulence, allergies, as well as as a source of trace elements.

Birch bud-cleanses the body of toxins and normalizes the digestive system.

Chamomile-helps the body to fight inflammatory processes, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, has a choleretic effect.

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Natural concentrated infusion based on chaga mushroom and wild medicinal herbs of the Altai Mountains. It contains a rich complex of medicinal substances, has powerful healing, restorative and preventive properties. It is recommended as a means of preventing cancer, normalizing the metabolism and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as increasing the body's defenses and quality of life.

Chaga-stops and regresses the growth of malignant tumors, restores the immune system, activates the protective functions of the body and increases the effectiveness of cancer drugs.

Calamus-has an antispasmodic effect and has bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Rosehip is a multivitamin remedy, used for beriberi as a general tonic that increases the body's defenses.

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Taking a balm with stone oil allows you to have a complex effect on the body, accelerate healing in ulcers, skin diseases. Also, this tool for improving performance has pronounced adaptogenic, bactericidal and diuretic properties, increases the protective functions of the body, relieves inflammatory processes, promotes the renewal and growth of new tissues, prevents the development of gynecological and urological diseases. Regular use of Altai balsam with stone oil will also help to cleanse the body of toxins and slags, strengthen both general and local immunity, and prevent premature aging.It is worth noting that the complex of components contained in the composition of rock oil is developed in the form of a double salt, so that when they enter the body, each cell takes from the blood and tissue fluid exactly as many trace elements as they need in order to provide the active enzyme systems in abundance.

Stone oil-is used to prevent the occurrence and development of malignant tumors.

Red brush-allows the female body to develop resistance to adverse environmental factors, prevent the development of diseases and mobilize protective barriers.

Calamus-has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, choleretic, tonic and disinfectant properties.

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It has a pronounced therapeutic effect and a stimulating effect on mental performance and psychological state. Improves memory and attention, increases the activity of skeletal muscles, relieves fatigue and gives tone.

Golden root-serves as an excellent preventive and stimulating tool that allows you to improve the quality of life, raising the vitality and improving the mood.

St. John's wort is an effective remedy for depression, increases the content of serotonin in the brain cells, perfectly helps to restore the psychoemotional state, get rid of depression and normalize the work of the nervous system.

Ginger-strengthens and tones the body, preparing it for resistance against bacteria and viruses.

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It contains a plant complex of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and bactericidal action, which protects the body from colds and inflammation, helps to restore the strength of a weakened body and strengthen the immune system.

Mother-and-stepmother-has an enveloping effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and larynx, protecting them from infections and irritation;

Raspberry-has an anti-inflammatory effect in colds;

Oregano is an effective antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

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For the regeneration and restoration of the body, it helps to increase the useful trace elements, calcium, manganese and phosphorus in the body, improve the metabolic processes, restore and strengthen the immune system.

Mums-has a restorative, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, bactericidal, regenerating and antitoxic effect.

Currant – a multivitamin charge, necessary for the restoration of metabolic processes in the body and increase immunity.

Rosehip is a multivitamin remedy, used for beriberi as a general tonic that increases the body's defenses.

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Balm "Altai Sky" is a natural agent, which contains extracts of healing herbs, berries and plants. It prevents the development of kidney diseases, and is also used for therapeutic purposes. Balsam has a diuretic effect, struggling with inflammation and urinary tract infections, removes slags and toxins from the body. In addition, the means enriched with the vitamin and mineral complex strengthens the immunity and heals the whole body.

Taspberry sheet - effectively removes excess fluid from the body. The diuretic properties of this plant helps to get rid of edema and various diseases of the genitourinary system.

Lamberry sheet - thanks to a large amount of tannic substances and organic acids, bollardberry leaves have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiseptic effects

The grass of chicory - due to its composition, rich in useful substances and minerals, chicory has a wide range of properties: diuretic, choleretic, immunostimulating, soothing.

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The active ingredients of peppermint irritate cold receptors, nerves and blood vessels. As a result of the reaction, blood vessels dilate, which helps to reduce the severity of pain, helps to regulate blood pressure.

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Fortifying, vitamin drink with a high content of biologically active components. The combination of berries and leaves of the most useful plants of the Altai Mountains will give you delight in taste and great health.

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Normalizes the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, cleans the biliary tract, helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

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Has a delicate refreshing taste, improves the efficiency of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

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