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Мебельная компания "MAMA"
The company is engaged in the production and sale of furniture
Мебельная фабрика Alisa
Alisa furniture factory - wholesale tables of European quality from a leading furniture manufacturer. Factory "Alisa" manufactures and wholesales kitchen tables. ✔We create furniture, not copy ✔We think about quality, not competitors ✔We do not save on the materials used, as a result of which our products are of high quality and long service life ✔We conduct crash-tests of our tables and chairs ➕ All models are always in stock, no need to wait for their production! Enterprise of European quality. Manufacture of kitchen and dining tables.
МногоТентов - Российский производитель каркасно-тентовой продукции
Manufacture and sale of tents for the welder, trade tents, canopies and awnings. Our company is a dynamically developing innovative enterprise. The company was founded in 2019 and is a subsidiary of Mobile Advertising. Currently, we occupy a stable position in the segment of manufacturers of frame and tent products. We use our original developments and our own closed production base. We produce various types of awnings and canopies, shelters, welder's tents, market tents and all kinds of folding furniture. Our products are successfully applied:   • in industrial installation and construction;   • in the field of trade and warehousing;   • at exhibitions, presentations and solemn events;   • in the field of tourism and recreation. Every year we update and expand the range of products, focusing on the needs and wishes of consumers. Our production produces structures both according to our own drawings and according to individual sketches of customers. Since we have our own production facilities, and... More
Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение культуры «Игринский районный музейно-ремесленный туристический центр»
Preservation, revival and development of arts and crafts and crafts Souvenir products. Wood products (taban sets, bowls, eco-ware), birch bark (tuesa, salt shakers), flax fiber (Udmurt dolls, Lopsho Pedun), as well as hand-woven rugs, towels, tablecloths, countertops and napkins. An excellent gift and a memorable souvenir will be natural herbal teas from the "Tea House on the Siberian Highway", clay pots and vases from "Lulo Xu. Living Land", wool products and lanolin soap from Vine - Luksky SDK.
Национальный центр декоративно-прикладного искусства и ремёсел
This is a special world of artistic creativity, which has absorbed the historical, moral, aesthetic, spiritual experience of the people, outside of which it is impossible to imagine human life.
LED lamps for lighting workshops, warehouses, streets, housing and communal services For 10 years we have been supplying LED lamps to 197 cities of Russia and the CIS.
ОАО "Воткинская промышленная компания"
The company is a manufacturer of goods for children.
ОАО "Пищекомбинат "Воткинский"
Production of sugary confectionery products. Only natural raw materials are used! Recipes 80-90s.
ООО "Amarant" / ООО "Амарант"
Production of disposable products and packaging
We have been providing educational services since 2016 in more than 10 areas (10 faculties) - more than 1,000 training programs. We carry out an integrated approach aimed at transferring knowledge, skills and abilities of a general educational and professional nature to the consumer, in order to satisfy and develop personal, group and social needs.