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ООО "ДИЗАЙН 18" / Smart Engine (CMS)
Smart Engine is a content management system (CMS) with advanced functionality and a unique user interface. Unlike most CMS developed by IT companies with no website development experience, Smart Engine is made by a web studio with 20 years of experience. During this time, we have tested almost all known CMS, created thousands of projects in Russia and around the world.
Accommodation in Izhevsk! Affordable comfort. Hostel in Izhevsk from 450 rubles per day.
LLC "ZMT" is a modern fast-growing enterprise that produces products for quality control of glass products, for radiation measurement, health diagnostics, purification of air, water and food, as well as elevator equipment.
LLC “Izhstal-TNP” is subsidiary of PJSC “Izhstal” (member of the “Mechel” Group) one of the leading Russian producers of special steel and alloys. It is the largest producer of forged axes, hand and wood saws in Russia. “Izhstal-TNP” products are of high quality and unique performance characteristics. 20% of “Izhstal-TNP” axes are exported abroad: Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Kirghizia, Romania.
ООО "Итом-Прогресс"
The company is a manufacturer and supplier of various oilfield equipment for oil metering.
ООО "КАМ-Инжиниринг"
KAM-Engineering performs a full cycle of engineering works: design, manufacture, testing, warranty and service maintenance of non-standard and bench equipment for the technological support of the production of engine building enterprises, aerospace, aviation engineering industries of the Russian Federation and the military-industrial complex. Product types: Test benches and complexes: mechanically closed energy-saving stands for resource and technological testing of aviation (helicopter) gearboxes and transmissions; benches for testing hydraulic units of aviation and rocket and space technology; benches for testing electrical equipment of aircraft and helicopters; special technological equipment and equipment for the repair and maintenance of aviation equipment (building berth equipment, trolleys and ladders for ground maintenance of aviation equipment, pumping equipment, washing cabinets and drying cabinets for processing aircraft units and components, and much more); armored chambers and armored... More
ООО "Камимтех"
LLC "Kamimteh" on the basis of the production workshop manufactures and supplies industrial equipment, incl. screw pumps of different types with different capabilities. Our pumps are used in companies: Rosneft, Lukoil, local enterprises of Udmurtia, Siberia, etc. LLC "Kamimteh" works and delivers products with high quality and in a short time. We always find the best solutions for the requirements of the Customer and specifically for your company. We work 100%: we carry out commissioning and installation of equipment, we provide a guarantee and service maintenance of our pumps. LLC "Kamimtech" openly conducts its activities in accordance with the established legislation of the Russian Federation and has established itself as a reliable supplier and manufacturer.
Our holding consists of 2 companies: LLC Optimist-Perm has been producing high quality paints and varnishes since 2001. LLC Classic is engaged in the sale of products manufactured by LLC Optimist-Perm. Both companies are owned by one founder. The total staff of our organizations is 80 people. The production enterprise has modern technological equipment (from batching to packaging and labeling), which allows the production of paints and varnishes with a consistently high quality. The enterprise has its own laboratory, with the help of which the incoming control of raw materials and control over the release of each batch is carried out. The state employs two paint and varnish developers who ensure a constant process of improving and updating the assortment. The production capacity of the enterprise is 8 thousand tons / year of various tonnage products. Long-term contracts with suppliers of raw materials have been concluded, thanks to which our production process does not face release delays. During... More
ООО "Криотехника" / Cryotechnika LLC
Our equipment is built to succeed. Innovation in production helps to become a leader in today's market. Contemporary cryogenic equipment and integrated solutions make it possible to make production efficient and economical. We have modernized more than 500 enterprises in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. Our cryocylinders, gasifiers and ramps are used in metal cutting and welding, fish and crop farming, food packaging and beverage carbonation, chemical labs and the oilfield. Our customers save up to 80% on gas costs, their production workers use safe and easy-to-use equipment that does not affect the gas purity class, is not subject to corrosion. This presentation has everything about how to modernize your production, create enterprise environment in which efficiency grows and about new opportunities for your companies.