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Sewing clothes from knitted and other fabrics.
ООО "Альтаир"
Brick factory Altair
ООО "Арт Проект"
Wholesales from 5 thousand rubles, tea, coffee, chocolate in bright, original thematic packaging.
ООО "АС-РеалТех"
Automation of production processes. Modernization of machines and equipment. Design and manufacture of non-standard automation equipment.
Manufacture of children's clothing.
ООО "Бурановские традиции" / Buranovsky traditions
Production of dumplings and frozen meat and vegetable semi-finished products
ООО "Веаком"
Sale of tourist services and folk art goods.
ООО "Гидротехсервис"
A manufacturing company engaged in the design and manufacture of drainage and distribution systems for fast and pressure filters for water utilities, thermal power plants, state district power plants, boiler houses, etc.
Master City Ltd. is a manufacturer of repair and restoration materials for repairing damage to surfaces of furniture, parquet, laminate, plinths, plastic and items made of natural or artificial leather. We launched production in 1999. Our recipe guarantees the quality of our products, which has been tried and tested for 20 years owing to the work of our own dedicated research department and through surveys that we conduct with each of our consumers using our product. Our products are available in 100 cities across Russia and in neighboring countries. Among our regular customers are furniture factories, companies selling furniture fitments, construction supermarkets, hardware stores and private individuals.       
ООО "Диалогистик"
Sale of household chemicals, auto chemicals, chemicals for the agro-industrial complex, disinfectants.