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Усть-Бельск База отдыха
Recreation center on the bank of the river. Kama We provide services in the field of tourism and recreation Accommodation, meals, fishing, hunting, excursions.
Фабрика Желаний
Mozhginsky Food Processing Plant
The Csvetolife company has been operating since 2012, is the leader in sales of roses in Udmurtia and carries out retail and wholesale sales of flowers, in 2021 the launch of franchise sales was launched, join a strong brand.
Цветочный Рай
Delivery of flowers, packaging of potted plants.
Юрист Шеин Данил Юрьевич / Lawyer Shein Danil Yurievich
Providing legal assistance to citizens Representation of interests in courts of general jurisdiction Representation of interests in the Arbitration Courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Preparation of procedural documents
Языковая студия DREAM BIG
We offer tools to bring clients closer to their goal. WE and CUSTOMERS are a tandem in which we create an opportunity to become better in our craft, and clients are the result. We easily and affordably teach languages in European style. Lost your target? We will inspire and make another one appear. We believe that every action has a return.
Якшур-Бодьинские ремесла
We make products of arts and crafts and crafts in 12 areas: weaving, embroidery, knitting, patchwork, national clothes and its elements, metal jewelry, wood products, straw, birch bark, folk toys, ceramics, wood painting.