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ООО "НЭЛЬ"/Limited Liability Company "NЭL"
Production of germinated grain products using low-temperature drying technology (up to 35 degrees).
ООО "Органика"
CARE SAFETY BEAUTY ORGANICA LLC was founded in 2013 Distributor and manufacturer of face and body skin care products in the niche of organic and natural cosmetics
Sets of nuts and dried fruits. Everything is selected, clean, without husks and dirt.
ООО "ПК "Гранола"
PK Granola LLC was registered in 2016, since January 2018 the start of sales. The company has its own production for the manufacture of products for a healthy lifestyle. Production capacities allow us to work with large retail chains. Production is located in Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic. TM Nutsbee has established itself as one of the few market participants that retains a perfectly natural composition without the use of oils, sugar and preservatives.
Cars, trailers, accommodation modules for outdoor activities
ООО "Производственное Объединение "Камбарский машиностроительный завод"
Production of traction rolling stock for narrow gauge 600-750-1435 mm, track machines for gauge 1520 mm, special equipment for the subway, as well as products for the oil industry.
The company "PromGidravlika-S" is a manufacturer of hydraulic equipment, hydraulic power plants, hydraulic cylinders, high pressure hoses, as well as a supplier of spare parts for hydraulic manipulators and lifting equipment. Own production and a highly qualified staff of designers allows us to solve non-standard solutions for complex tasks according to technical specifications from our customers. In addition to our own production, our company is also the official representative and service center: - Manufacturers of lifting equipment Velmash, Inman, Palfinger. - Manufacturers of hydraulic pumps and motors "Shakhty Plant Hydroprivod", "Yugostroy", "Sunfab". Highly qualified specialists of our service center will always be able to provide a wide range of services for diagnosing a breakdown in the hydraulic system of lifting equipment and special equipment, as well as repair hydraulic units and components with a subsequent guarantee on the basis of our company.
ООО "Рапсалин"
LLC "Rapsalin" Improving concentrate of sea water underground (brine) in a bottle of 5 l. Contains 300 grams of fifteen underground minerals per liter. Has a balneological conclusion of the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, according to which it helps with dozens of diseases. It is applied externally with a dilution of 5-20 times (baths, body wraps, compresses). Produced since 2016. Dozens of expert reviews, hundreds of patient reviews. Presented on Ozone (TM "Power of the Sea").
Production of components for PPE