All vendors

ООО "Веаком"
Sale of tourist services and folk art goods.
ООО "Бурановские традиции" / Buranovsky traditions
Production of dumplings and frozen meat and vegetable semi-finished products
Manufacture of children's clothing.
ООО "АС-РеалТех"
Automation of production processes. Modernization of machines and equipment. Design and manufacture of non-standard automation equipment.
ООО "Арт Проект"
Wholesales from 5 thousand rubles, tea, coffee, chocolate in bright, original thematic packaging.
ООО "Альтаир"
Brick factory Altair
Sewing clothes from knitted and other fabrics.
We have been providing educational services since 2016 in more than 10 areas (10 faculties) - more than 1,000 training programs. We carry out an integrated approach aimed at transferring knowledge, skills and abilities of a general educational and professional nature to the consumer, in order to satisfy and develop personal, group and social needs.
ООО "Amarant" / ООО "Амарант"
Production of disposable products and packaging
ОАО "Пищекомбинат "Воткинский"
Production of sugary confectionery products. Only natural raw materials are used! Recipes 80-90s.