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ООО "Эколюмен"
Ecolumen LLC is a factory for the production of LED lighting and UV air purification systems. Has more than 15 years experience in manufacturing LED lamps, 3 years UV cleaning systems. Components only from reliable suppliers, assembly quality control, qualified personnel all this provides consumers with quality products and uninterrupted supplies.
ООО "Экосети"
Production of equipment and containers from polypropylene.
Household products
ООО «Виктори»
Creation of sites on CMS Bitrix, promotion of sites and brands on the Internet, Internet marketing
HOBRUK is a box of happiness that opens up the world of creativity for a person and immerses them headlong into it. Hobruk helps you discover your creativity through new hobbies. This is a special approach to the development of creative abilities and imaginative thinking. The training of memory, imagination, concentration and mindfulness helps to improve life and take a fresh look at the world and the possibilities of pastime.
ООО «Инженерный Центр»
Production of layer-by-layer heating boilers for hot water under the trade mark "SHUNYT"
Manufacture of metal structures in Izhevsk Production company "Intekhstroy" LLC offers design and manufacture of metal structures in Izhevsk, as well as turnkey installation of commercial objects using modern technologies. Stages of production: from project development to delivery of the object to the customer. Catalog of production of our factory Our facilities allow us to organize the production of large-sized ready-made structures made of metal and sandwich panels for the needs of agriculture (refrigerators, cow sheds, pig houses, stables, etc.), trade, automotive business (car dealerships, service stations, car washes and gas stations), industrial enterprises, office premises . A separate area of activity is the manufacture and installation of metal structures to the customer's order for the support of power lines, radio communications, telecommunications, structural components of bridges, canopies (canopies) made of stainless steel (aluminum) and other small products.
ООО «Контрольно-Измерительные Приборы»
Our devices are used to solve complex problems in the field of control and measurement. Innovative solutions from a reliable company. Already now Engineers and Metrologists all over Russia use the products of our company. We guarantee accurate and reliable measurements. Our industry-leading test and measurement equipment will always deliver the highest levels of quality and accuracy.
ООО «Мега-Групп»
12 years our company on the market Advertising agency full cycle "Mega-media" offers you a wide range of souvenirs. Souvenir products are one of the most powerful means of promoting goods and services, because everyone loves to receive gifts! Our experts will help you choose souvenirs that meet your needs and tasks, which will emphasize the image of your company and make you recognizable among competitors.
- we manufacture Flanges from Dy400 to Dy2200 (steel 20, 45, 09G2S, 08X18H10T, 12X18H10T, etc.); - we provide pre-machining services (own production, carousel, lathe, band saw); - supply of forgings and stampings (on order and from availability); - production of parts (blanks) according to the drawings of the customer from bronze, brass, steel and cast iron; - we make ring castings on the installation of centrifugal casting with ESR remelting.