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Minimum quantity for "SalveoFit Apple&Currant" is 1.
The noodles are made using manual technology keeping the long shape of the products. No filling machines are used. This approach ensures the most uniform cooking of the noodles throughout its entire part and careful control over each unit of the product.
Not all pasta can boast of such dietary properties as those made from spelled - their beneficial effect on the human body can hardly be overestimated.
It's all about the spelled grain itself, from which, after grinding, such unique pasta is made.
Thanks to the efforts of enthusiastic farmers, the production of this product, forgotten in Russia, was brought to industrial volumes.
Minimum quantity for "Polba noodles" is 1.
Minimum quantity for "Nutsbee Granola Cherry + Almond Granola" is 3.
Ingredients: narrow-leaved fireweed, fermented, granulated
Fermented fireweed is collected in ecologically clean places of Udmurtia. Ivan tea has a pleasant taste and powerful healing effect, restores strength, normalizes sleep and fills with vitamins. It is able to normalize the circulatory system of the body by producing hemoglobin and maintaining the acid-base balance in the vessels, restores metabolism, copes well with viruses. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and rich aroma and can be drunk like regular tea.
Minimum quantity for "Ivan tea" is 1.
Minimum quantity for "Sweets "Chocolate Garden - Chocolate-covered prunes"" is 8.
method of preparation: the dumplings are cooked with a ratio of water and dumplings of 4: 1, after boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Add salt and seasonings to taste
Excellent design, minimum weight, choice of placement of canisters in your or on your vehicle can be limited only by your fantasy! Flat canisters were designed in such a way that they can withstand loads of more than 400 kg. This gives extraordinary opportunities - the placement of a canister on the roofs of the trunk, and in the event of a hopeless situation of stuck car, they can be used as saddles.
Minimum quantity for "Canister flat "Extreme" plus 10 liters orange (real volume 8.6 liters)" is 1.
Minimum quantity for "Powder mixture Spirulina" is 1.
Minimum quantity for "UNIVERSAL KREDA food coloring set (KREDA) 3 colors Prime-gel (plus color mixing card), gel for cake, cream, biscuits, drinks, ice cream, meringue, icing, marzipan, souffle, yoghurts, confectionery, eggs, soap, slime, 3 pcs*20g" is 100.
A great set option for a strong and strong-willed man.
Powder mixture for preparing juice drinks and cocktails based on it
Ingredients: powdered sugar, rose hip dry extract, powdered inulin, cranberry dry extract, gelatin, citric acid, vanilla sugar, licorice root extract, table salt, dihydroquercetin
Minimum quantity for "SalveoFit Cranberry" is 1.
The composition of the balsam “Altai Fairy Tale " includes such herbs as licorice, mint and elecampane. The balm promotes the normalization of the digestive system, normalizes the metabolism and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
An excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds, in complex therapy helps to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and accelerate recovery.
Кофе Лювак (Kopi Luwak) - это самый редкий, самый дорогой и самый вкусный кофе в мире. В желудке мусанга происходит особая ферментация кофейных зерен, благодаря которой кофе и приобретает совершенно особую мягкость, деликатную терпкость и очень изысканное послевкусие горького шоколада.
The balm has a positive effect on the heart, dilates the coronary vessels. It is used for chronic heart failure, accompanied by tachycardia, as well as for angina, edema, chronic and acute glomerulonephritis. Moreover, unlike many heart remedies, the balm does not lower the cardiac conductivity and does not accumulate in the body.
Slows down the aging process of the body, stimulates hematopoiesis in anemia, increases sexual potency, increases mental and physical performance, lowers cholesterol in the blood, improves memory and brain function, increases resistance to colds, restores and strengthens the immune system. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a powerful antioxidant, plays an important role in the regulation of redox processes, participates in the synthesis of collagen and procollagen, the exchange of folic acid and iron, the metabolism of amino acids, regulates blood clotting, normalizes capillary permeability, has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, stimulates the antitoxic and protein-forming function of the liver.