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Minimum quantity for "Sweets "Country of giants Alangasarov"" is 2.
Кофе Лювак (Kopi Luwak) - это самый редкий, самый дорогой и самый вкусный кофе в мире. В желудке мусанга происходит особая ферментация кофейных зерен, благодаря которой кофе и приобретает совершенно особую мягкость, деликатную терпкость и послевкусие горького шоколада.
Minimum quantity for "SalveoFit Rowan" is 1.
fry posikunchiki over low heat in oil. When used, you can add whip sour cream garlic sauce, this will require 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream (or fatty kefir) and a few cloves of garlic, chopped through a crusher.
Ingredients: dried carrots, rosemary, hibiscus, ginger, lemongrass
Herbal tea with rosemary can surprise with a unique combination of tastes and aromas. Helps preserve beauty and youth. Tones, gives strength and strengthens the immune system.
Rosemary - the unique actions of rosemary are due to the useful components included in the composition: rosemary acid; carnosol; potassium; cellulose; calcium; vitamin A; folic acid; phytoncides; copper; iron; alkaloids; vitamin B6; rosmanol; vitamin C; ursolic acid; magnesium; manganese; tannins; flavonoids - luteolin and apigenin. Rosemary improves brain function. Effective for antibacterial, antiviral prophylaxis. Relaxes the nervous system and eliminates insomnia. The herb scent combines the aromas of lemon, pine needles, eucalyptus, camphor and citrus.
Hibiscus is the dried flower of the Sudanese rose. It stabilizes blood pressure, increases the elasticity, strength of blood vessels, strengthening the walls, lowers cholesterol levels and removes "bad" from the body, heals the gastrointestinal tract, effectively fights viruses and bacteria, stimulates the liver and cleanses it, relieves hangovers.
Ginger has a unique combination of flavor and medicinal properties. It has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, resorption, antispasmodic, carminative, stimulating, healing, diaphoretic, tonic, bactericidal, choleretic, antibacterial effect. It has a strong antioxidant and sedative effect, strengthens the immune system, well protects against parasites, inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Lemongrass (lemon grass) on the one hand tones and gives strength, despite the absence of caffeine, and on the other hand, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has a relaxing effect during stress, helps to normalize sleep and improves mood. The plant is a natural affrodisiac.
Dried carrots are a unique natural remedy that helps to strengthen the immune system. Tea is especially useful for children in that it strengthens the skeletal and muscular system, which is very important for babies during the period of active growth and development. Increases the body's resistance to infections.
Minimum quantity for "The magic of the morning" is 1.
method of preparation: the dumplings are cooked with a ratio of water and dumplings of 4: 1, after boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Add salt and seasonings to taste
It contains a plant complex of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and bactericidal action, which protects the body from colds and inflammation, helps to restore the strength of a weakened body and strengthen the immune system.
Mother-and-stepmother-has an enveloping effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and larynx, protecting them from infections and irritation;
Raspberry-has an anti-inflammatory effect in colds;
Oregano is an effective antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.
Minimum quantity for "Urbech from white amaranth, 260ml" is 1.
Cooking method: put in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and cook about 45 minutes.
It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves mood, and normalizes sleep. Regular intake of the balm will save you from nervous fatigue.
Motherwort-has a calming effect and reduces headaches;
Oregano-calms the central nervous system and increases the secretion of the digestive and bronchial glands;
Valerian – used for insomnia and neurotic heart palpitations.
It is a rich source of vitamin C, helps to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viruses and infections, tones well, has a normalizing effect on the nervous system and metabolic processes. This is an effective natural adaptogenic remedy that promotes the improvement and strengthening of the entire body. The balm will help you pass the off-season period without diseases, increase physical endurance, and make up for the lack of natural vitamins.
Maral root-A stimulating agent that increases performance in mental and physical fatigue. they are used as a general tonic and adaptogenic agent;
Badan-has anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic and bactericidal properties, strengthens the walls of capillaries and has a local vasoconstrictive effect, helps to get rid of physical and psychological fatigue, is useful for heavy mental and physical work;
Nettle is a good strengthening agent for people weakened after the disease, activates the body's defenses.
"Taiga World" is a fragrant tea made from taiga herbs. The balanced composition will give a charge of vitamins and normalizes the emotional background, relieves fatigue. Try tea made from herbs from which bees collect wild honey.
Natural honey in a wooden barrel made of whole linden. Collected in the picturesque forests and meadows of Udmurtia, it has a rich aroma and excellent taste of wild plants. In a wooden barrel sealed with wax, honey will retain its properties for many years.
Minimum quantity for "Honey in a barrel" is 1.
Blueberry jam (sterilized), a product of the Udmurt cooperative. Produced in an ecologically clean place of the Udmurt Republic, the village of Kez. Only sugar and berries, which is how natural jam should be!
Minimum quantity for "Blueberry jam (sterilized), 500 gr" is 9.
Minimum quantity for "Popcorn "Stepka" chocolate 90 g." is 18.
Minimum quantity for "Set of sweets "Izhevsk evening"" is 7.
Minimum quantity for "SalveoFit Pineapple Powder Mixture" is 1.
Flour for lovers of old Russian cuisine. Whole grain spelled flour retains the full range of beneficial properties of whole grain. It is used for the production of culinary, bakery and confectionery products. Recommended for pancakes, pastries, homemade bread and gingerbread.
Whole grain flour is healthier than ordinary flour, since it contains not only the inner part of the grain, but also its shell. The shell of grain contains fiber, vitamins B and E, minerals and trace elements.
If you want to live long - eat spelled pancakes!
Minimum quantity for "Spelled flour" is 1.
For the regeneration and restoration of the body, it helps to increase the useful trace elements, calcium, manganese and phosphorus in the body, improve the metabolic processes, restore and strengthen the immune system.
Mums-has a restorative, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, bactericidal, regenerating and antitoxic effect.
Currant – a multivitamin charge, necessary for the restoration of metabolic processes in the body and increase immunity.
Rosehip is a multivitamin remedy, used for beriberi as a general tonic that increases the body's defenses.
Indifference (Stone Patrinia) is used as an excellent sedative for disorders of the nervous system.
Natural concentrated infusion based on chaga mushroom and wild medicinal herbs of the Altai Mountains. It contains a rich complex of medicinal substances, has powerful healing, restorative and preventive properties. It is recommended as a means of preventing cancer, normalizing the metabolism and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as increasing the body's defenses and quality of life.
Chaga-stops and regresses the growth of malignant tumors, restores the immune system, activates the protective functions of the body and increases the effectiveness of cancer drugs.
Calamus-has an antispasmodic effect and has bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.