1C: Integrated automation 8. Electronic delivery

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Kwer Soft

This product is electronically distributed.

1C: Integrated Automation 8. Electronic delivery - is a modern accounting system with a high degree of customization of management indicators and user responsibility within a single information space.

The following functions have been implemented:
Setting the right tasks
Planning - presentation of the company's goals in forecasts and plans;
Conducting automation of sales, purchases, advanced warehouse accounting;
 supply management;
production accounting;
Management and reflection of business activities.
Monitoring of financial and economic activities.
balancing the system of plans.
Operational accounting:
Solving problems of management and interaction with the external environment;
Treasury Department;

Analysis - study of deviations of actual performance results from planned or typical values. Personnel accounting and payroll - personnel management and motivation. Regulated accounting - reporting for external users. The use of applied solution tools allows ensuring the coordinated work of departments both within the organization and with the external environment (customers, suppliers, competitors).

Kwer Soft

Since 2012 we have been engaged in custom software development. The main directions are 1C and web development. We also advise companies on building and automating business processes, organize complex IT projects, configure and maintain server equipment.

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