Coconut Oil SOFTY FLUFFY Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Unrefined 200 ml

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Кокосовое масло содержит полезные для организма жирные кислоты и лауриновую кислоту. Может использоваться как средство для увлажнения и питания кожи и волос. Идеально подходит для приготовления выпечки и кондитерских изделий. Здоровая альтернатива сливочному и растительному маслу.

List price: £3.52
You save: £0.44 (13%)
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Coconut oil contains fatty acids and lauric acid that are useful for the body (it strengthens the immune system and promotes weight loss). It can be used as a means to moisturize and nourish the skin and hair.

Daily use (1-2 teaspoons) helps to maintain harmony and heals the body, saturating it with useful fats, lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol, slows down skin aging. It is ideal for making pastries and confectionery products. A healthy alternative to butter and olive oil. It has a mild taste and a noble aroma of coconut.

It does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors and fragrances. At a temperature below +25 C, the oil hardens, but this does not affect the quality and useful properties of the product.

ИП Кукина Анна Владимировна

Our company includes two brands.
1) GREAT. A brand of elite Indonesian products: Luwak coffee and Tahitian vanilla bean.
2) SOFTTY | FLUFFY. 100% food-based vegan cosmetics brand: sugar lip scrub, coffee brow scrub, and coconut and cocoa butter.

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