Decorative paste "Venetian plaster" (0.7kg) ТМ "AccentO" ART

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The plastic mass allows you to embody all the fantasies of the master in various original color and artistic variations. The coating imitates precious rocks of marble, jasper, malachite, lapis lazuli, etc. It conveys a deep glow, a play of light and shadow, against the background of which an intricate ligature of veins appears. It is applied on cement bases, concrete, brick, gypsum board, chipboard, fiberboard and similar surfaces. Method of application: Stir thoroughly before application and prime the surface with a covering primer ACCENTO ART. Apply the paste from 3 to 7 layers, depending on the desired effect. For a more decorative effect, the material can be tinted. Decorative paste VENETIAN PLASTER with an average consumption should be enough for 1m2.


Our holding consists of 2 companies:

LLC Optimist-Perm has been producing high quality paints and varnishes since 2001.

LLC Classic is engaged in the sale of products manufactured by LLC Optimist-Perm. Both companies are owned by one founder. The total staff of our organizations is 80 people.

The production enterprise has modern technological equipment (from batching to packaging and labeling), which allows the production of paints and varnishes with a consistently high quality. The enterprise has its own laboratory, with the help of which the incoming control of raw materials and control over the release of each batch is carried out. The state employs two paint and varnish developers who ensure a constant process of improving and updating the assortment. The production capacity of the enterprise is 8 thousand tons / year of various tonnage products. Long-term contracts with suppliers of raw materials have been concluded, thanks to which our production process does not face release delays. During the work shift, more than 20 SKUs of finished products are produced, with a maximum tonnage of one batch of 2400 kg. Owned: the territory of the plant, equipped workshops, equipped warehouses, own vehicle fleet. At the enterprise, all personnel are highly qualified, confirmed by attestation.

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