Rack and pinion jack (hi-jack) PGT with cable

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Usage: On soft soils, when using the ground of the Hi-Lift rack jack, it is better to stock up on a special pad under the heel (base) of the jack. The "Platform" device increases the contact patch of the high-jack platform and thus prevents it from sinking into the ground. Easily removed with a handle.

Thanks to such two steel cables, it will never be lost in the mud, and it will always be a reliable support for your jack!

Blagodarya dvum stal'nym trosam, takaya ploshchadka nikogda ne budet uteryana v gryazi, a takzhe ona vsegda budet obespechivat' nadozhnyy upor Vashemu domkratu! Preimushchestva pered amerikanskoy i kitayskoy ploshchadkami: Prisposobleniye «Platform» v otlichii ot svoikh brat'yev izgotovlena iz metalla 4 mm, chto pozvolyayet ispol'zovat' yeyo v ochen' surovykh usloviyakh russkoy zimy. Pokupayetsya odin raz i na vsegda! Ot "plastika" ploshchadku otlichayet yeyo prochnost' i dolgovechnost'.

Thanks to two steel cables, such a platform will never be lost in the mud, and it will always provide a secure support for your jack! Advantages over the American and Chinese sites: The "Platform" device, unlike its brothers, is made of 4 mm metal, which allows it to be used in the very harsh conditions of the Russian winter. Purchased once and for all! The platform is distinguished from "plastic" by its strength and durability.


 Material: steel Metal 

thickness: 4 mm 

Weight ~ 2 kg Tensioners available (steel cables) The product is powder-painted, pre-sandblasted Suitable for jacks: Hi-Lift, T Max, Farm Jack, Ermak


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