Power of the sea health-improving concentrate of sea water underground, liquid for pools 227 liters in barrels / eurodrums

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The price is indicated for one liter with a batch of six barrels. Delivery conditions are specified by the manufacturer.

List price: $1.10
You save: $0.35 (32%)
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Creates an analogue of sea water in the pool. Two standards are recommended:

  • Mediterranean Sea (dilution 1:7; 36 grams of minerals per liter, keeps the swimmer noticeably on the surface)
  • Black Sea (dilution 1:15; 18 grams of minerals per liter, supports the swimmer on the surface).

Heals externally; helps with pain in the joints (shoulders, knees, feet, back), with diseases of the skin, nerves and blood vessels (there are contraindications to sea resorts, consultation with a specialist is necessary).

The skin becomes velvety, the hair is voluminous, the nails are strong.

Delivered from a warehouse in Protvino by the manufacturer's transport, it is poured into the pool from a barrel with a pump through a hose. One barrel is enough to prepare sea water as in the Black Sea in a pool of 3700 liters; for other sizes of pools and other concentrations of minerals in the water, we will make a free calculation.

It is recommended to order a batch of six barrels of 227 liters each (delivery is included in the price at a distance of up to 100 km from Protvino). This is enough to prepare sea water like in the Mediterranean Sea in a pool of 11,000 liters.

Discounts (for the low season, for pre-order, for volume, for pickup) are negotiated.

Sample 5 liters - free of charge (pickup from Moscow).

Use for recovery: a course of procedures recommended by a specialist (usually every other day for 3-4 weeks). We send instructions for use.

Effectively helps against SARS (colds); for this it is diluted 15-20 times.

The sea water concentrate was extracted from a depth of more than 1 km, does not contain waste. The concentrate contains 300 grams of fifteen marine minerals per liter (calcium, potassium, magnesium, bromine, strontium, boron, etc.). Density - 1.2.

There are only four such wells in Europe: in Switzerland, in Germany, in Russia near Perm, and here, in the city of Protvino, Moscow Region. In addition to healing, the concentrate is used to create in the bath, in the font, or in the pool - an analogue of sea water. Main advantages:

  • Improvement of the whole organism
  • All useful minerals are preserved
  • Obtaining water - an analogue of any sea in a few minutes
  • It is easier for children to learn to swim
  • Sea bathing right at home at an affordable price. Transparent, colorless, when mixed in a pool of fresh water, a yellowish tint and a slight sediment may appear. After passing the obtained analog of sea water through the sand filter, the shade and sediment disappear.
ООО "Рапсалин"

LLC "Rapsalin" Improving concentrate of sea water underground (brine) in a bottle of 5 l. Contains 300 grams of fifteen underground minerals per liter. Has a balneological conclusion of the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, according to which it helps with dozens of diseases. It is applied externally with a dilution of 5-20 times (baths, body wraps, compresses). Produced since 2016. Dozens of expert reviews, hundreds of patient reviews. Presented on Ozone (TM "Power of the Sea").

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