RS-30 voltammeter with KTI-30 pliers

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State register number 62558-15, link to the website

The calibration interval is 24 months.

The RS-30 volt-ampere phase meter is one of the main devices for taking vector diagrams and setting up relay protection and automation systems by relay service specialists, and is also used to check metering groups and measure network parameters. The device's operation according to the "Star", "Triangle" and "2-phase" (isolated) connection schemes makes it universal for taking measurements in power engineering, energy supervision, communications, railways, housing and communal services enterprises and other industries. Three types of clamps of different ranges (depending on the selected configuration) allow measuring current from 0.0030 A to 3 kA. The connection of current measuring clamps is performed using a quick-release Push-Pull connection. The RS-30 volt-ampere phase meter is equipped with magnetic holders, which allows, if necessary, to quickly attach the device to steel surfaces, including those with paint and varnish coatings.

Prices for sets:

Voltamperphasometer RS-30 with clamps KTI-30 (up to 40 A) 81702 RUB with VAT
Voltamperphasometer RS-30 with clamps KTIR-30 (up to 40 A) 94260 RUB with VAT
Voltamperphasometer RS-30 with clamps KTIR-30 and KTI-30 (up to 40 A) 106818 RUB with VAT
Volt-ampere-phase meter RS-30 with clamps PTI-3000 (up to 3 kA) 116148 RUB with VAT
Voltamperphasometer RS-30 with clamps KTIR-500 (up to 500 A) 150702 RUB with VAT
Volt-ampere-phase meter RS-30 with clamps PTIR-3000 (up to 3 kA) 191070 RUB with VAT

* When purchasing current measuring sensors separately from the device, they must be calibrated together with the previously purchased RS-30. Calibration is performed by the manufacturer.


the ability to register events; automatic detection of the type of connected current measuring sensors and switching of current ranges; when turned off, saving, and when turned on, restoring the settings of the last measurement; continuous operation time without the power saving mode turned on is at least 8 hours; setting for turning off the indication and the device when not in use for a long time; shockproof, dust- and moisture-proof housing with a magnet. IP54 protection rating; a bag that allows you not to take the device out when taking measurements; color liquid crystal display; indication of the status of the internal power source; battery protection system from overcharging; protection against incorrect switching on; high noise immunity; memory for 10,000 measurements, recorder mode; communication with a computer. Functionality

Star, Delta, 2-phase (isolated) measurements measurements of effective values of alternating voltage and current; measurements of direct current voltage; measurements of active, reactive, apparent power and power factor; measurements of phase angles between voltages, between voltages and currents, between currents; measurements of voltage frequency and alternating current strength; indications of higher harmonic levels and nonlinear distortion levels for assessing the quality of electric power; indications of the phase sequence.

Technical characteristics:

Measuring AC Voltage

Range of AC voltage effective value measurements, V

10,00 … 700,0
DC Voltage Measurement

DC Voltage Measurement Range, V

10,00 … 700,0
Measuring AC current

Range of measurements of the effective value of alternating current, A: - with a current-measuring sensor KTI-30

0,0030 … 40,00
Measurement of active, reactive and apparent power

Ranges of measurement of active power P (W), reactive power Q (var)

and apparent power S (V∙A):

- with current measuring sensor KTI-30

0,001 … 21,00 кВт (квар, кВ∙А)
Measuring AC frequency

Frequency measurement range, Hz

от 45,00 до 55,00
Measuring the phase shift angle between the first harmonics of voltage and voltage, voltage and current, current and current

Phase shift angle measurement range in the frequency band from 45 Hz to 55 Hz, degrees

от – 179,9 до 180,0
Power factor calculation, Kr

Calculation range, Kr

ООО «ТД «Радио-Сервис» / “Radio-Service”, JSC.

The company "Radio-Service" offers a wide range of electrical measuring instruments for route-finding equipment of various prices, used in various fields of activity. The good quality and affordable price of our products have allowed us to take a strong position in the Russian market.

The instruments we produce include:

  • megaohmmeters;
  • ground resistance meters;
  • loop resistance meters;
  • RCD parameters meters;
  • voltammeters;
  • route finders;
  • marker detectors.

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