Chaga Tea with added vitamin collection

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Minimum quantity for "Chaga Tea with added vitamin collection" is 1.

Ingredients: chaga, mint, ginger, rosehip, thyme, St. John's wort, cowberry leaf

The vitamin complex of this drink will strengthen the body, giving vigor and energy.   Chaga tea with vitamin collection can be recommended as a source of active ingredients and vitamins during seasonal illnesses. Many people will like it for its rich flavor of forest herbs. The collection does not contain flavorings and dyes.

How to brew tea: teapot teapot pour hot water, drain after a couple of minutes. Put in a heated teapot 3-5 teaspoons of chaga with a vitamin collection, pour boiling water. Allow to infuse for 10-15 minutes. For convenient separation of the sediment we recommend brewing Chaga Tea with a vitamin collection in a French-press.

Душа Леса

The Soul of the Forest company is a family manufactory of environmentally friendly products: tea from birch chaga, herbal preparations, fermented carrots, fireweed (Ivan chai).

Our products contain only natural ingredients. We do not use preservatives, flavorings and dyes.

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