Frequency converter ELHART 0.75 kW
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Available frequency converters for 220/380 V networks for all types of connections, scalar and vector type.
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Frequency converters are used: - in industrial installations
- in systems of water supply, ventilation and air conditioning,
- in extruders, mixers, various machines
- for the operation of other energy-saving equipment.
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Position: ELHART EMD‑MINI – 007 T
Manufacturer: ELHART
Series: EMD‑MINI
Power: 0.75 kW
Supply voltage: 3 ph / 380 V (330…440 V) 50/60 Hz
Output voltage: 3ph / 380V (0…380V) 0.1…590.0Hz
Input current: 3.7A
Output current: 2.7A
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Only NEW converters
All necessary CERTIFICATES and declarations