Gas Cylinder Bundles 12-150

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A Gas Cylinder Bundles is a compact unit consisting of several identical cylinders that are rigidly fixed in a steel structure and joined by a single header.

Gas Cylinder Bundles made of steel lightweight cylinders are designed for supply of technical and pure gases (oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) and to be used as receivers and standby gas sources for continuous processes.
Major advantages of using the Gas Cylinder Bundles are as follows:
• More time of continuous operation with technical gases
• Less time for loading, unloading, and handling
• Safe transportation and storage of technical gases
• Integrity of the cylinders’ shell and valves due to their strong metal frame
• A single due date for requalification of cylinders

Gas Cylinder Bundles 12-150 specifications (40-litre cylinders, 150 bar).

Dimensions (L x W x H), no more than, mm1140 х 960 х 1805
Pressure, MPa 15
Quantity of cylinders12
Contained N²/О²/Ar gas volume, m³69/75/74
Empty mass, kg880

Gas Cylinder Bundles 12-150 specifications (lightweight 50-litre cylinders, 200 bar).

Dimensions (L x W x H), no more than, mm1140 х 960 х 1905
Pressure, MPa20
Quantity of cylinders12
Contained N²/О²/Ar gas volume, m³111/124/124
Empty mass, kg840

We can manufacture Gas Cylinder Bundle for any quantity of cylinders according to your Terms of Reference. A Gas Cylinder Bundles is fabricated for various quantities of cylinders from 4 to 20 pieces. A Gas Cylinder Bundles is fabricated according to Terms of Reference and can be equipped with a pressure control valve, light-and-sound signalling, etc. 

ООО "Криотехника" / Cryotechnika LLC

Our equipment is built to succeed.
Innovation in production helps to become a leader in today's market. Contemporary
cryogenic equipment and integrated solutions make it possible to make production
efficient and economical.
We have modernized more than 500 enterprises in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries.
Our cryocylinders, gasifiers and ramps are used in metal cutting and welding, fish and crop farming, food packaging and beverage carbonation, chemical labs and the oilfield.
Our customers save up to 80% on gas costs, their production workers use
safe and easy-to-use equipment that does not affect the gas purity class, is not subject to corrosion.
This presentation has everything about how to modernize your production, create
enterprise environment in which efficiency grows and about new opportunities for your

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