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Advantages of the VIN induction boiler

  •  Real savings up to 50%;

 Efficiency 98% - does not form scale

 Water, antifreeze, oil ... - allows the use of various liquid heat transfer fluids;
 Fireproof - there are no high temperature connections and seals;
 Long-lasting - estimated service life over 30 years.
 Manufacturer's warranty 2 years.

Standard complete set:

Vortex induction heater;
Temperature sensor;
Security group;
The passport;
Control panel (portable);


Vortex induction heater;
Temperature sensor;
Security group;
The passport;
Control panel (built-in);
Circulation pump;
Flow sensor;

"Alternative energy" LLC | Альтернативная энергия

Alternative Energy is a leading developer and manufacturer of innovative, efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly thermal equipment. The use of induction heating technology made it possible to create a highly efficient electric heater "VIN" (vortex induction heater), which meets such requirements as reliability, durability, safety and unpretentiousness.

These heaters are used to ensure uninterrupted hot water supply and heat supply to apartments, offices, cottages, industrial and domestic premises, supply ventilation, remote settlements, dead-end facilities.

Another effective development of the enterprise is the VTG NKh hydrodynamic heat generator. The generator is used for heating oil, oil products and lubricating fluid in pipelines, railway tanks, tanks, technological processes, etc. The company introduces innovative technical solutions into the production of manufactured thermal equipment, improves the technical and operational capabilities of the equipment, thereby expanding its scope.

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