Italmas VP - post-milking teat dip solution for livestock complexes.

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Alkaline non-foaming disinfectant for livestock enterprises. The tool effectively copes with pollution of protein, fat and oil nature. Due to the content of the active chlorine donor, it has a high disinfecting ability. Works effectively in very hard industrial water.

Disinfection and washing of various types of technological equipment and containers at livestock enterprises. The tool can be used for any kind of equipment made of alkali-resistant materials. It dissolves well in water, is non-foaming, which determines the expediency of its use in circulating CIP washing systems. The great advantage of this tool is its high efficiency in water of any degree of hardness.


  • effectively copes with fatty contamination of various types of technological equipment, pipelines, inventory and containers at enterprises
  • has a powerful disinfectant effect
  • alkali effectively copes with a wide range of contaminants
  • active chlorine is effective against a wide range of microorganisms
  • does not form foam
  • does not adversely affect the treated surfaces