This type of wax is a new word in the world of impregnations. This is a real eco-impregnation, which does not contain a drop of chemicals. Not only that, it was nicknamed biopositive because it is good for human health.
The product contains a natural antiseptic in the form of turpentine - a solvent that ensures the penetration of wax and bee propolis deep into the wood. Due to this, a high degree of protection is achieved for many years (about 10 years).
Feel free to use it to impregnate wooden floors, stairs and furniture. Eco-impregnation will create reliable protection against damage, wear and pathogenic microflora, and the room will be filled with a unique honey-spruce aroma.
Ingredients: beeswax, gum turpentine, propolis and standoleic linseed oil, thanks to which a breathable protective film is created on the surface of the wood, which increases resistance to abrasion. Recommended for internal processing.
Consumption: 1 l - 15-20 squares