Mobile stand L-stand Standard 80x180 cm

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1 550.00 
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Mobile banner stand L-banner throughout Russia

The canvas L of the banner is fixed on special slats, which are located in the upper and lower parts of the stand. The tension is provided due to the force that is produced by unbending the vertical support. The lower part of the structure is represented by a chrome-plated counterweight made of durable material, this approach eliminates the possibility of tipping over. In some cases, consumers need to hold events where they need to present a new product or service in a visual format. This format provides a better perception from potential customers.

L banner in this case is the best option in terms of price-quality ratio. Its distinctive feature is a simple and compact design, which at the same time has high strength and reliability. The design of the L banner consists of a set of durable profiles, which are the place of attachment of the information canvas. A rod made of durable material is mounted to the back wall of the parts, due to this, the effect of web tension is ensured. The lower support with a weighting agent guarantees high stability of the structure.

Advantages of L banner stands:
- Simplified installation procedure;
- Access to operational replacement of a cloth;
- Light weight of the body of the product;
- High rates of stability.
- Elegance of a design.
Contents of delivery:
Design, bag-case.
Design comes unprinted