Dog enclosure "Guardian" 2x3 m

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Modular enclosure for professional keeping of dogs with a depth of 2 m. The number of blank and lattice walls is your choice.

Construction type: partially collapsible
Height: 2/1.8 m (along the facade/back wall)
Floor frame: welded metal structure
Flooring: solid wood
Load-bearing wall frame: welded metal frame
Filling of blank walls: imitation timber, painting: tinted antiseptic composition
Filling of the façade grille: profile metal pipe
Painting of metal parts: primer-enamel, color: optional
Roof structure: pitched; wooden rafter system, painted corrugated sheeting with additional elements.
Door location: optional

Note: enclosures are delivered unassembled. The price is indicated without assembly.

We also produce enclosures of other modifications and sizes. Possible additions

Группа Компаний "Eco-VIP"

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- Manufacture of metal structures, MAF, landscaping goods, street lamps
- Low-rise construction
- Implementation of energy-efficient modular houses and structures

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