Crosscutter Unit Victar

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The cross-cutting and trimming unit is designed for those who cross-cut or cross-cut various types of materials:

- logs (material) up to 1400 mm in diameter (width)

- rolls of paper

- linoleum

- fiberglass

- plastic

Execution options can also be different - from manual mechanized to a fully automated line.

Let's make conveyors according to your sizes:

  • Longitudinal (log hauling), roller conveyors, with ruffles, etc.
  • Transverse (accumulators)
  • Log splitters
  • Log ejectors

1. ECH-3.RTU. Set "Standard". mechanized version


  • Electric saw ECH-3. Giant with tire (700,900,1100,1200,1500 mm)
  • 3m power cable MSCH-400, 10 m power cable EFC-3. Giant
  • Oscillating frame
  • RTU allows cutting material up to 1400mm wide

Drive sprocket and chain with 3/8" pitch allows you to confidently handle hard materials (oak, hornbeam, larch, as well as rolls of paper, linoleum, fiberglass, plastic).


low power consumption (3 kW)
reliability (operating as part of a conveyor up to 24 hours a day)
versatility: it is possible to use ECH-3 as a hand-held electric saw with a tire from 50 to 150 cm.
high cutting accuracy due to rigid construction and high chain speed.
We also produce RTU in a mobile version (MP) on small wheels for movement along the log (material) and provides a perpendicular cut.

2. ECH-3.RTU. Set "Optimum".

Mechanized version, hydraulic version, automated version.

RTU allows cutting material with a diameter (width) up to 1400mm

Drive sprocket and chain with 3/8” pitch allows you to confidently handle hard materials (oak, hornbeam, larch, as well as rolls of paper, linoleum, fiberglass, plastic).

The calculation of the cost of conveyors (longitudinal and transverse, as well as log disconnectors) is done after the fact (if necessary).


low power consumption (3 kW)
reliability, (operating as part of a conveyor up to 24 hours a day)
versatility: it is possible to use ECH-3 as a hand-held electric saw with a tire from 50 to 150 cm.
high cutting accuracy due to rigid construction and high chain speed.
Complete set "Manual" option:

electric saw ECH-3. Giant with tire (700,900,1100,1200,1500 mm)
cable 3 m supplying MSCH-400, cable 10 m supplying ECH-3.Gigant
adjustable stop (one or more stops, for different lengths of workpieces)
Manual clamping of logs and saws
Complete set "Hydraulic" option:

Electric saw ECH-3. Giant with tire (700,900,1100,1200,1500 mm)
3m power cable MSCH-400, 10 m power cable EFC-3. Giant
Adjustable stop (one or more stops, for different lengths of workpieces)
oil station
hydraulic cylinders
Complete set "Automated" option:

Electric saw ECH-3. Giant with tire (700,900,1100,1200,1500 mm)
3m power cable MSCH-400, 10 m power cable EFC-3.Gigant
Adjustable stop (one or more stops, for different lengths of workpieces)
oil station
hydraulic cylinders
Line operation automatic control system (feeding conveyors operation, together with cross-cutting unit)

Electric saw ECH-3. Giant with tire (700,900,1100,1200,1500 mm)
3m power cable MSCH-400, 10 m power cable EFC-3.Gigant
Adjustable stop (one or more stops, for different lengths of workpieces)
oil station
hydraulic cylinders

3. ECH-3.RTUG in-line. Set "Maximum".

Automatic clamping (lifting) of the log and lowering the tire


Electric saw ECH-3. Giant with tire (700,900,1100,1200,1500 mm)
3m power cable MSCH-400, 10 m power cable EFC-3. Giant
Adjustable stop (one or more stops, for different lengths of workpieces)
Hydraulic cylinder for clamping the workpiece, 2 pcs.
Hydraulic cylinder for saw travel drive
hydraulic station
Control cabinet for semi-automatic or automatic line operation
RTUG allows cutting material with a diameter (width) up to 1400mm

Drive sprocket and chain with 3/8” pitch allows you to confidently handle hard materials (oak, hornbeam, larch, as well as rolls of paper, linoleum, fiberglass, plastic).


low power consumption (3 kW)
reliability, (operating as part of a conveyor up to 24 hours a day)
versatility: it is possible to use ECH-3 as a hand-held electric saw with a tire from 50 to 150 cm.
high cutting accuracy due to rigid construction and high chain speed.


Victar embodies the best traditions of engineering, realized in the reliability of the equipment produced for you and the trust of our customers and partners.
Victar is a continuous improvement of technologies to achieve you absolute leadership in the field of woodworking.
Our many years of experience in cooperation will allow you to equip woodworking equipment of any complexity.
Also, we produce Electric saws of the EPC-3 series, the evolution of which has been going on for more than 70 years!

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