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OKFIL Window Filter Air Valve for Plastic Windows - OKFIL Window Filters / Оконные Фильтры - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 34%
$33.57 $22.27
White, Retail

Innovative window filters - fresh air with closed windows! Installation on 90% of types of PVC, aluminum and wood windows, even on fixed frame windows without sashes! No need to change the windows.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "OKFIL Window Filter Air Valve for Plastic Windows" is 2.

Гранола Nutsbee "Вишня + Миндаль" - ООО "ПК "Гранола" - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 32%
$1.44 $0.99
Quality granola always consists of natural and healthy ingredients, the kind you would use at home. Granola is a complete breakfast, which is prepared...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Nutsbee Granola Cherry + Almond Granola" is 3.


Компания Victar производит ЭПЧ-3 - самые мощные в мире ручные цепные электропилы и другое деревообрабатывающее оборудование.

In stock


Минипилорама ЭПЧ-3.МП для производства слэбов дуба, граба, лиственницы, распиловки капов (сувеля) на столешницы от 99 см до 200!!!

In stock


Компания «Victar» предлагает решения по внедрению средств механизации и автоматизации для действующих и вновь образующихся производств. Их внедрение позволит значительно облегчить ручной труд, снизить влияние человеческого фактора и повысить производительность.

In stock

In 2017 we designed a new type of equipment for sale: a model Victar.PT-1100 for cross-cutting packages of sawn timber with a cutting width of 1100 mm on...
In stock


Mobile Crosscutter Machine is designed for cutting off the same lengths of logs. It is used for any wood hardness - oak, hardbeam, larch, birch, etc. The length of the logs is adjustable. The double front stop ensures perpendicularity to the lateral face of the log.

In stock

The cross-cutting and trimming unit is designed for those who cross-cut or cross-cut various types of materials: - logs (material) up to 1400 mm in...
In stock

Victar.BRS-1600 is designed for sawing rolls of paper, plastic and other materials Diameter of rolls is up to 220 cm.  The saw unit can be...
In stock

MSPCH-200 for old Soviet electric chain saws K-5, K-6 MSPCH-200 converter for the Soviet power saws K-5 and K-6. Since the owners of K-5 and K-6 electric...
In stock

Назначение и применение   Поперечная распиловка круглых лесоматериалов является одним из основных видов работ, выполняемых на начальном этапе по...
In stock


 жакет женский удл.Состав: шерсть - 30%; пан - 70

In stock


Жакет женский удлиненный

In stock


Платье шифоновое.

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Жакет ажурный трикотажный 

In stock


жакет женский трикотажный ажурный 

In stock


The Business Upgrade Builder is a tool that allows you to conduct brainstorming and strategy sessions without professional facilitators and business coaches. It provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at the usual brainstorming, the process of generating and processing ideas.

With its help, you can quickly reformat the company's business model to the current interests of consumers, correctly prioritize and concentrate available resources on what can bring results. It aims to develop the creativity and marketing thinking of your team.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Business Upgrade - Brainstorming and Strategy Session Builder." is 1.


method of preparation: the dumplings are cooked with a ratio of water and dumplings of 4: 1, after boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Add salt and seasonings to taste

In stock

Maneuverable catamaran with increased deck area from 10 square meters of increased stability. Advantages: 1. You can get a deck area of 10 sq.m. with a...
In stock

DC power supply Б5-71 КИП - ООО «Контрольно-Измерительные Приборы» - Electrical Equipment, Components & Telecoms buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 1%
$304.33 $302.10

Features Power supplies are built on a modern element base according to an inverter circuit with a linear regulator, which is based on a high-performance microcontroller - which made it possible to achieve the following parameters:

● Minimum pulsation level;

● High-contrast LCD display ;

● Internal high stability reference voltage source and precision ADC ;

● Interface availability.

In stock


Асинхронные электродвигатели с короткозамкнутым ротором во взрывозащищенном исполнении АИМЛ 

In stock

Coffee "Baylise" is distinguished by its special softness, notes of whiskey and cream. The drink cannot be called purely female or male, because it is...
In stock

Irish Cream's renowned Irish liqueur warming coffee is a dessert drink that gives you a harmonious bouquet with notes of chocolate, soft cream, heather...
No products with the selected options in stock

An elegant bouquet with notes of vanilla, cream, sweet almonds and spicy spices is the perfect addition to dessert. To flavor Amaretto coffee, elite natural...
In stock

Irlad cream - coffee with a full body, a bright taste of Irish whiskey in the foreground and a pleasant soft creamy aftertaste.
No products with the selected options in stock

Almond-flavored coffee is a classic loved by many. This is a drink with a deep, velvety character, in which elegant nut-chocolate and spicy notes are felt.
In stock

A dense body, saturated with taste, practically no acid. It tastes like bitter chocolate, nuts, smoke.
In stock

Ultrafine grind
Coffee is particularly fine, saturated full of coffee, for those who want a recognizable taste of coffee. It tastes like chocolate, walnut.
In stock

Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe.
In stock

Milk oolong - unusual tea from China's highland plantations
In stock

Ingredients: black tea, mountain ash, blueberries, blackberries, calendula, vasilek, blackberries leaves. Flavored with natural oils.
In stock

Ingredients: green Chinese tea, kiwi, pineapple, lemon, mint. Flavored with natural oils. The unique composition of tea promotes weight loss.
In stock

Yoga Block Cheber natural wood - Cheber.ru - Gifts, Sports & Toys buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 38%
$8.84 $5.48

The yoga block (yoga brick) is an aid in yoga practice. The use of a yoga block allows you to take the desired asana without overstraining. The use of yoga bricks ensures the required quality of the posture, its injury safety.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Yoga Block Cheber natural wood" is 2.

Yoga Block Cheber natural wood Sandal - Cheber.ru - Gifts, Sports & Toys buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 34%
$9.96 $6.60

The yoga block (yoga brick) is an aid in yoga practice. The use of a yoga block allows you to take the desired asana without overstraining. The use of yoga bricks ensures the required quality of the posture, its injury safety.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Yoga Block Cheber natural wood Sandal" is 2.

Yoga Block Cheber natural wood, Sea waves - Cheber.ru - Gifts, Sports & Toys buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 34%
$9.96 $6.60

The yoga block (yoga brick) is an aid in yoga practice. The use of a yoga block allows you to take the desired asana without overstraining. The use of yoga bricks ensures the required quality of the posture, its injury safety.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Yoga Block Cheber natural wood, Sea waves" is 2.


Чага Чай мелкой фракции можно приготовить двумя способами: в качестве классического чая и лечебного настоя. Это напиток, с которого хорошо начинать трудовой день. Он придает бодрость и хорошее настроение, которые сохраняются в течение всего дня.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Chaga Tea Classic Small Fraction" is 1.


Состав: чага, мята, имбирь, шиповник, чабрец, зверобой, лист брусники 

 Витаминный комплекс этого напитка укрепит организм, подарит бодрость и энергию.   Чага Чай с витаминным сбором может быть рекомендован как источник активных веществ и витаминов в период сезонных заболеваний. Многим он понравится своим богатым ароматом лесных трав. Сбор не содержит ароматизаторов и красителей

Minimum quantity for "Chaga Tea with added vitamin collection" is 1.

No products with the selected options in stock


Купаж этого чая наделяют его сильнейшим адаптогенным и антиоксидантным действием, улучшает кровоснабжение органов и тканей. Сушенный имбирь ускоряет обмен веществ, улучшает пищеварение и подавляет синтез гормона стресса – кортизола. Имбирный корень можно назвать одним из конкурентов женьшеня. Он стимулирует работу многих систем организма, незаменим при простуде и воспалительных процессах.

Понравится этот состав и мужчинам, так как является безвредным источником веществ, повышающих потенцию. И этот эффект не разовый, а скорее терапевтический. Разумеется, при регулярном употреблении этого чая и правильном образе жизни.

Minimum quantity for "Chaga Tea with lemon grass and ginger" is 1.

No products with the selected options in stock


Состав: чага березовая, листья саган дайля (рододендрон Адамса)

Саган дайля — редкое священное растение, мощнейший энергетик, адаптоген и стимулятор.  Тонизирует, снимает усталость и плохое настроение, повышает защитные силы организма и является омолаживающим средством. Действует на клеточном уровне. Перевод названия растения саган дайля— «продлевающий жизнь».

 Чага в купе с листьями саган дайля раскрывает свои лечебные свойства еще сильнее.

Чага Чай с саган-дали является естественным онкопротектором, восстанавливает работу ЖКТ, повышает эмоциональную и физическую выносливость, сильный антиоксидант, профилактика ОРВИ, укрепляет иммунную систему, снимает «похмельный» синдром, афродизиак, оказывает тонизирующее действие. Чай делается по специальному рецепту из листьев саган дайля  и березовой  чаги. Уникальная технология обработки чая усиливает его лечебные и вкусовые свойства.

Как правильно заваривать чай: заварочный чайник залить горячей водой, слить через пару минут. Положить в разогретый чайник  3-5 чайных ложек чая, залить кипятком. Дать настояться 10-15 мин. Для удобного отделения осадка рекомендуем заваривать Чага Чай с  саган дайля во френч-прессе.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Chaga Tea with Sagan Dalia" is 1.


Состав: чага березовая, смородина черная, мята

Натуральная композиция чая обладает насыщенным вкусом и ароматом. Он изготавливается из целых листьев мяты и черной смородины. Чага Чай со смородиной и мятой- это целый букет вкусовых ощущений, от нежного ягодно-фруктового до приятного травяного, напоминающий вкус лета. Такой купаж несет в себе огромную пользу для здоровья и хорошего настроения.

Как правильно заваривать чай: заварочный чайник залить горячей водой, слить через пару минут. Положить в разогретый чайник 3-5 чайных ложек чая, залить кипятком. Дать настояться 10-15 мин. Для удобного отделения осадка рекомендуем заваривать Чага Чай с со смородиной и мятой во френч-прессе.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Chaga Tea with currants and mint" is 1.


Ingredients: dried carrots, rosemary, hibiscus, ginger, lemongrass 

Herbal tea with rosemary can surprise with a unique combination of tastes and aromas. Helps preserve beauty and youth. Tones, gives strength and strengthens the immune system.

Rosemary - the unique actions of rosemary are due to the useful components included in the composition: rosemary acid; carnosol; potassium; cellulose; calcium; vitamin A; folic acid; phytoncides; copper; iron; alkaloids; vitamin B6; rosmanol; vitamin C; ursolic acid; magnesium; manganese; tannins; flavonoids - luteolin and apigenin. Rosemary improves brain function. Effective for antibacterial, antiviral prophylaxis. Relaxes the nervous system and eliminates insomnia. The herb scent combines the aromas of lemon, pine needles, eucalyptus, camphor and citrus.

Hibiscus is the dried flower of the Sudanese rose. It stabilizes blood pressure, increases the elasticity, strength of blood vessels, strengthening the walls, lowers cholesterol levels and removes "bad" from the body, heals the gastrointestinal tract, effectively fights viruses and bacteria, stimulates the liver and cleanses it, relieves hangovers.

Ginger has a unique combination of flavor and medicinal properties. It has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, resorption, antispasmodic, carminative, stimulating, healing, diaphoretic, tonic, bactericidal, choleretic, antibacterial effect. It has a strong antioxidant and sedative effect, strengthens the immune system, well protects against parasites, inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Lemongrass (lemon grass) on the one hand tones and gives strength, despite the absence of caffeine, and on the other hand, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has a relaxing effect during stress, helps to normalize sleep and improves mood. The plant is a natural affrodisiac.

Dried carrots are a unique natural remedy that helps to strengthen the immune system. Tea is especially useful for children in that it strengthens the skeletal and muscular system, which is very important for babies during the period of active growth and development. Increases the body's resistance to infections.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "The magic of the morning" is 1.


Морковный чай – это уникальное натуральное средство, способствует укреплению иммунитета. Особенно полезен чай для детей тем, что он укрепляет костную и мышечную систему, что очень важно для малышей в период активного роста и развития. Повышает сопротивляемость организма к инфекциям. Напиток красивого шоколадного цвета с приятным карамельным вкусом обладает естественной сладостью.  

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Carrot tea" is 1.


Ingredients: narrow-leaved fireweed fermented, Adams' rhododendron (sagan daila)

Ivan tea with sagan daila is an energetic that prolongs life, has a pleasant taste and a powerful healing effect, helps to endure increased strength and physical exertion, relieves fatigue. The drink improves efficiency and concentration, tones up and relieves fatigue.

Sagan Daila is a rare sacred plant, a powerful energetic, adaptogen and stimulant. Tones, relieves fatigue and bad mood, increases the body's defenses and is a rejuvenating agent. Acts at the cellular level. The translation of the name of the plant sagan daila is "prolonging life". Sagan Daila in combination with Ivan tea makes it a truly royal drink.

Fireweed (Ivan tea) has a pleasant taste and a powerful healing effect, restores strength, normalizes sleep and fills with vitamins. It is able to normalize the circulatory system of the body by producing hemoglobin and maintaining the acid-base balance in the vessels, restores metabolism, copes well with viruses

Minimum quantity for "Ivan tea with sagan daila "White wing"" is 1.

No products with the selected options in stock


Ingredients: carrots, cinnamon

Carrot tea with cinnamon is a delicious natural drink that will fill you with mood and well-being for the whole day. The rich, multifaceted taste and mesmerizing aroma of this tea will give you an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort.

Dried carrots are a unique natural remedy that helps to strengthen the immune system. Tea is especially useful for children in that it strengthens the skeletal and muscular system, which is very important for babies during the period of active growth and development. Increases the body's resistance to infections.

Cinnamon normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, is useful for gastritis in the mild stages. Stimulates brain activity, improves blood flow to the brain. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood composition, normalizes heart function.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Velvet evening" is 1.


Ingredients: narrow-leaved fireweed, fermented, granulated

Fermented fireweed is collected in ecologically clean places of Udmurtia. Ivan tea has a pleasant taste and powerful healing effect, restores strength, normalizes sleep and fills with vitamins. It is able to normalize the circulatory system of the body by producing hemoglobin and maintaining the acid-base balance in the vessels, restores metabolism, copes well with viruses. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and rich aroma and can be drunk like regular tea.

Minimum quantity for "Ivan tea" is 1.

No products with the selected options in stock


Сочетает в себе свойства преобразователя ржавчины (препятствует возникновению коррозии), антикоррозионного грунта (не требует предварительного грунтования) и эмали.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Primer-enamel 3 in 1 for rust GOLexpert (0.8 kg), Red" is 10.

Floral Honey 250g - MOOSH Honey products / Медовые продукты - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 23%
$3.36 $2.57
Floral Honey Honey from Udmurtia is considered to be of the highest quality. It has a rich taste and is very healthy due to its unique composition....
In stock

Natural flower honey 130g - MOOSH Honey products / Медовые продукты - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 13%
$1.68 $1.45
Flower honey is collected from Udmurt fields, from ecologically clean areas of the Republic
In stock

Honey with Perga 250g - MOOSH Honey products / Медовые продукты - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 17%
$3.36 $2.80
Honey with Perga This is a rare product rich in vitamins. Just like honey with propolis, this is one of the healthiest and sought-after bee products....
In stock


A jumper of a semi-fitting silhouette with a long sleeve.

In stock


Asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel-cage rotor in explosion-proof design AIML.

In stock


Explosion-proof asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel-cage rotor AIML

In stock


Explosion-proof asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel-cage rotor AIML

In stock


Асинхронные электродвигатели с короткозамкнутым ротором во взрывозащищенном исполнении АИМЛ 

In stock


Asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel-cage rotor in explosion-proof design AIML.

In stock


The product is designed to be used for repairing damages (restoration) from scuffs, scratches and cuts through smooth natural and artificial leather products.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Liquid leather MASTER CITY for furniture/Black" is 10.


The product is designed to be used for repairing damages (restoration) from scuffs, scratches and cuts through smooth natural and artificial leather products.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Liquid leather MASTER CITY for shoes/Black" is 10.


The product is designed to be used for repairing damages (restoration) from scuffs, scratches and cuts through smooth natural and artificial leather products.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Liquid Leather MASTER CITY for CARS/Black" is 10.

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Dough mixer is intended for kneading a dough of different consistency (stiffdough for damplings, pies, home-style noodles, doughnuts, sweet pastry). The...
In stock

Contact us for a price
Dough mixer is intended for kneading a dough of different consistency (stiffdough for damplings, pies, home-style noodles, doughnuts, sweet pastry). The...
In stock


For true connoisseurs of spelled. Large whole grain with a neatly finished surface, average size 7-9 mm. Runo is the largest variety found in Russia. Ideal for pilaf, balish and as a substitute for meat.

Spelled is resistant to genetic changes and has survived to this day in its original "natural" form, grown without the use of fertilizers

Possesses amazing fast saturation property. Great diet.

The balanced composition of spelled lowers cholesterol and strengthens the immune system. Contains all the nutrients and vitamins a person needs

If you want to live long - eat spelled porridge!

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Whole spelled groats" is 1.

ET electric truck with fixed platform is optimized to freights transportation. Combined reliability, operational convenience with ecological safety electric...
No products with the selected options in stock

Contact us for a price
ET electric truck is intended for freight transportation on the surfaced roads. The truck movement is carried out through pushing of foot throttle driven by...
In stock

EK electric truck is intended for mechanization of transportation inside the shops and for movement in inter-machine spaces. The overall dimensions of the...
In stock


The crushed fraction is obtained by crushing the whole grain, and not as a result of a secondary product during its processing. It cooks much faster (15-20 min.) Whole grain and is recommended for cooking porridge. Children love crushed porridge very much - it is very satisfying and tasty, especially with butter or jam!

Spelled is resistant to genetic changes and has survived to this day in its original "natural" form, grown without the use of fertilizers

Possesses amazing fast saturation property. Great diet.

The balanced composition of spelled lowers cholesterol and strengthens the immune system. Contains all the nutrients and vitamins a person needs

Eat spelled - you will live long!

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Crushed spelled groats" is 1.


The noodles are made using manual technology keeping the long shape of the products. No filling machines are used. This approach ensures the most uniform cooking of the noodles throughout its entire part and careful control over each unit of the product.

Not all pasta can boast of such dietary properties as those made from spelled - their beneficial effect on the human body can hardly be overestimated.

It's all about the spelled grain itself, from which, after grinding, such unique pasta is made.

Thanks to the efforts of enthusiastic farmers, the production of this product, forgotten in Russia, was brought to industrial volumes.


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Polba noodles" is 1.


Vermicelli is made by hand technology keeping the long shape of the products. No filling machines are used. This approach ensures the most uniform cooking of the vermicelli throughout its entire part and careful control over each unit of the product.

Not all pasta can boast of such dietary properties as those made from spelled - their beneficial effect on the human body can hardly be overestimated. It's all about the spelled grain itself, from which, after grinding, such unique pasta is made.

Thanks to the efforts of enthusiastic farmers, the production of this product, forgotten in Russia, was brought to industrial volumes.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Vermicelli from Polba" is 1.

Honey with Propolis 250g - MOOSH Honey products / Медовые продукты - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 17%
$3.36 $2.80
Honey with Propolis One of the most sought-after products in the world of beekeeping. This honey has a strong antibacterial effect, due to the...
In stock


The mobile boring machine PIONER allows you to repair equipment without transporting it to the repair shop. Designed to restore worn-out holes in special equipment. Mobile machines are used in many areas, from agriculture and road construction equipment to sea and river transport. Their use saves time and money on equipment repairs.

In stock

Outer cover: Jacket textile  Inner cover: Coarse calico hardness 140g per m  Transfer handle: No  Product care: Washable up to 40°С  Sizes: 60Х95...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Beanbag S, jacket textile, double inner cover" is 1.


Flour for lovers of old Russian cuisine. Whole grain spelled flour retains the full range of beneficial properties of whole grain. It is used for the production of culinary, bakery and confectionery products. Recommended for pancakes, pastries, homemade bread and gingerbread.

Whole grain flour is healthier than ordinary flour, since it contains not only the inner part of the grain, but also its shell. The shell of grain contains fiber, vitamins B and E, minerals and trace elements.

  If you want to live long - eat spelled pancakes!

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Spelled flour" is 1.

Children's bed "Paulina" С315 - АОр "МД НП "Красная Звезда" - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 4%
$302.10 $289.90








birch tree array

Product weight



longitudinal pendulum

The number of levels of the bed




Top cover


Removable racks


The lowering device fencing


Possibility to remove the fence

not desirable, the stiffness is lost

Automatic swing device on the remote

Yes, purchased separately

The size of the mattress in the crib


Bed size




Overall dimensions of the package no. 1


Overall dimensions of the package no. 2


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Children's bed "Paulina" С315" is 1.

Children's bed "Paulina" C322 - АОр "МД НП "Красная Звезда" - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 5%
$268.53 $253.87

  • Length







    birch tree array

    Product weight



    longitudinal pendulum

    The number of levels of the bed




    Top cover


    Removable racks


    The lowering device fencing


    Possibility to remove the fence

    not desirable, the stiffness is lost

    Automatic swing device on the remote

    Yes, purchased separately

    The size of the mattress in the crib


    Bed size




    Overall dimensions of the package no. 1


    Overall dimensions of the package no. 2


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Children's bed "Paulina" C322" is 1.

Children's bed "Paulina" C324 - АОр "МД НП "Красная Звезда" - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 4%
$330.07 $317.20








birch tree array

Product weight



longitudinal pendulum

The number of levels of the bed




Top cover


Removable racks


The lowering device fencing


Possibility to remove the fence


Automatic swing device on the remote

Yes, purchased separately

The size of the mattress in the crib


Bed size




Overall dimensions of the package no. 1


Overall dimensions of the package no. 2


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Children's bed "Paulina" C324" is 1.

Children's bed "Paulina-2" C422 - АОр "МД НП "Красная Звезда" - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 8%
$246.15 $226.46

  • Length







    birch tree array

    Product weight



    longitudinal pendulum

    The number of levels of the bed




    Top cover


    Removable racks

    Yes, 6

    The lowering device fencing


    Possibility to remove the fence


    Automatic swing device on the remote

    Yes, purchased separately

    The size of the mattress in the crib


    Bed size




    Overall dimensions of the package no. 1


    Overall dimensions of the package no. 2


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Children's bed "Paulina-2" C422" is 1.


Mobile machine PIONER 2 is used for boring holes with a diameter of 46 to 400 mm and a depth of 500 mm in 1 pass. For further boring, it is enough to move the cutter.

In stock


Мобильный расточный станок Пионер Авто - это усовершенствованная модель мобильного расточного станка Пионер. В отличие от последнего, Пионер Авто оснащен электроприводом, что существенно упрощает работу со станком.

In stock


Mobile surfacing machine Sarmat NK450 is used to repair worn holes. The hole needs to be bored first to eliminate ellipse. After that, the surfacing machine can be used. For the final restoration of the original diameter, boring is again used.

In stock


Mobile surfacing machine Sarmat NK750 is used to repair worn holes. To eliminate ellipse, a boring machine is used, and after that, surfacing is performed. It is for this stage that a surfacing machine is required. Unlike the mobile machine Sarmat NK450, this machine performs not only internal surfacing, but also external one.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Mobile surfacing machine SARMAT NK750" is 1.


Boring and surfacing complex PIONER RNK is designed to restore worn out holes. It allows not only boring, but also surfacing. The work is done in three stages:

1. Boring a worn hole to eliminate ellipse.

2. Surfacing to restore the metal layer.

3. Final boring to the required size.

 The machine is mobile, so all work can be done at the location of the special equipment.

In stock

Honey with Ginger 250g - MOOSH Honey products / Медовые продукты - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 17%
$3.36 $2.80
Honey with Ginger This is the most popular product in our range, thanks to the excellent combination of delicate cream honey and spicy ginger....
In stock

Children's bed "Efrosinya" C554 - АОр "МД НП "Красная Звезда" - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 5%
$257.34 $245.26








birch tree array

Product weight


Package length


Package width


Packing height



longitudinal pendulum

The number of levels of the bed



Yes, closed

Top cover

Yes, 2

Removable racks


The lowering device fencing

Yes, ZPU-7

Possibility to remove the fence


Automatic swing device on the remote

Yes, purchased separately

The size of the mattress in the crib


Bed size




Overall dimensions of the package no. 1


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Children's bed "Efrosinya" C554" is 1.

Children's bed "Yaroslav" C551 - АОр "МД НП "Красная Звезда" - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 3%
$391.61 $381.20

  • Length







    birch tree array

    Product weight


    Package length


    Package width


    Packing height



    longitudinal pendulum

    The number of levels of the bed




    Top cover


    Removable racks


    The lowering device fencing

    Yes, ZPU-7

    Possibility to remove the fence


    Automatic swing device on the remote

    Yes, purchased separately

    The size of the mattress in the crib


    Bed size




    Overall dimensions of the package no. 1


    Overall dimensions of the package no. 2


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Children's bed "Yaroslav" C551" is 1.

Children's bed "Leonardo" C770 - АОр "МД НП "Красная Звезда" - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 4%
$327.27 $312.95

  • Length







    birch tree array

    Product weight



    longitudinal pendulum

    The number of levels of the bed




    Top cover


    Removable racks


    The lowering device fencing

    Yes, ZPU-7

    Possibility to remove the fence


    Automatic swing device on the remote

    Yes, purchased separately

    The size of the mattress in the crib


    Bed size




    Overall dimensions of the package no. 1


    Overall dimensions of the package no. 2


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Children's bed "Leonardo" C770" is 1.


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Model Mosin's rifle, model 1891, scale 1: 5." is 1.

Children's bed "Sibirochka" C778 - АОр "МД НП "Красная Звезда" - Home, Furniture, Lights & Construction buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 19%
$201.40 $163.13








birch tree array

Product weight


Package length


Package width


Packing height



the pendulum's longitudinal

The number of levels of the bed




Top cover


Removable racks

Yes, 2

The lowering device fencing


Possibility to remove the fence


Automatic swing device on the remote

Yes, purchased separately

The size of the mattress in the crib


Bed size


Overall dimensions of the package no. 1


In stock

Minimum quantity for "Children's bed "Sibirochka" C778" is 1.


Felt slippers gray. Composition: 100% sheep wool

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Felt slippers" is 1.

Save 24%
$0.95 $0.73

Made from selected whole grain spelt by flattening. They preserve the entire complex of unique nutritional and useful properties of ancient cereals. Cook quickly - 3 minutes on low heat or pour boiling water. Perfect for a balanced diet Breakfast!

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Instant spelt flakes" is 1.

Advantages of the VIN induction boiler  Real savings up to 50%;  Efficiency 98% - does not form scale  Water, antifreeze, oil ... - allows the use...
In stock

Main characteristics: Measuring range from 0.1 Mohm to 450 GOhm. Test voltages up to 2500 volts; Runs at temperatures between -30 and +50 C,...
In stock

Contact us for a price
Installation for obtaining winter diesel fuel based on VTG NH. Power: from 55 to 110 kW, Capacity: up to 20m3 of the finished product. Cost: from...
In stock

Contact us for a price
VTGNH oil heating unit Power: 55 to 160 kW Productivity: up to 40 m3 / h Cost: from 1,000,000 to 2,100,000 rubles. The existing equipment with...
In stock

Black, Retail
What is HUDWAY Drive? HUDWAY DRIVE is a portable head-up display for everyday commute: — Keeps you connected in a less-distracting way:  directions,...
On backorder

Minimum quantity for "HUDWAY Drive: a portable head-up display for everyday commute" is 1.

A platform for transporting various loads on a tow hitch. This additional equipment for a car is a special autonomous technical device that is mounted on a...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Towbar-mounted cargo platform" is 1.

Spacers (material - caprolon) Ø70mm, height 50mm: 12 pcs. Bolts (strength class not less than 8.8) Ø12mm x 140mm: 10 pcs. Bolts (strength class at...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Kit for body lift 50 mm high for Mitsubishi Pajero 2 (5 doors)" is 1.

Material: steel Metal thickness: 4 mm Weight ~ 2 kg Tensioners available (steel cables) The product is powder painted, pre-sandblasted Suitable for...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Platform for rack and pinion jack (hi-jack) "Platform" with a cable" is 1.

Bicycle rack bracket RIF into a square towbar for 3 bicycles. Simple, reliable and quick-to-install bracket (rack) - bike rack designed for transporting 3...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Bicycle rack PGT in a square for a towbar for 3 bikes" is 1.

Universal tinting paste Palizh Standart for imparting color to the painted interior and exterior. To give the desired color, add the Standart paste to the...
In stock


Universal tinting paste Palizh Standart for imparting color to the painted interior and exterior. To give the desired color, add the Standart paste to the tinted composition (varnish, paint, antiskeptic, etc.) and mix the composition thoroughly. 

In stock

Snorkel Mitsubishi Pajero 2 (Pajero 2) 01/1990 - 07/1997 - ООО  «ПП «АВЕС» - Auto, Transportation, Vehicles & Accessories  buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 8%
$88.61 $81.57
The snorkel on Pajero 2 is made of special high-strength plastic, and has reliable connections.  The design is arranged in such a way that the tube is...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Snorkel Mitsubishi Pajero 2 (Pajero 2) 01/1990 - 07/1997" is 1.

Snow plow for buggy. This plow is designed for the Polaris RZR 1000 buggy. This product is made to order. Specify the production time by phone or...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Snow plow for Polaris RZR 1000 buggy" is 1.


Screw pumping units are designed for pumping liquids with both good fluidity and high viscosity liquids, liquids with gas plugs, liquids with solid (abrasive) inclusions in them, inhomogeneous media with the above-mentioned states of liquid and inclusions.

In stock


Semi-submersible screw pumps type KMX V.
They are designed to be installed on the neck of a container in order to pump the product contained in it.

• Nominal capacity:
0.5 m3 / hour - 200 m3 / hour
• Differential pressure:
up to 4.5 MPa (45.0 kg / cm2)

The photo shows the packaging of the semi-submersible pump KMX for shipment to the Customer.
☎ For any questions call 8 (3412) 326-466.

In stock

Save 6%
$0.90 $0.84

A dry grain product made by extrusion technology. The balls are made from whole grain spelled flour and are ready to eat. Recommended for children and adults alike, add the balls to milk or cocoa for a light and tasty meal!

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Spelled breakfast ready" is 1.

Gluten Free Granola "Pineapple + Almond" Ingredients: buckwheat flakes, honey, sunflower seeds, almonds, dried pineapple, ginger. Nutrition and...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Gluten Free Granola "Pineapple + Almond"" is 6.


souvenir, gift, "Made in Udmurtia, exclusive, miniature, Mosin rifle, handmade, layout, scale models

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Assault rifle model in 1: 3 scale (AKM)" is 1.

Миниатюрная модель автомата в масштабе 1:3 (автомат Калашникова, модернизированный со складным прикладом - АКМС) до огромных размеров оригинала, не...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Assault rifle model in 1: 3 scale (AKMС)" is 1.

The equipment is manufactured and meets the standards of the Russian Federation. The company has its own service center. The equipment has a TR CU...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Widely universal milling machine 67K25PF1" is 1.

* Control system based on CNC Mitsubishi М720 - development of the Republic of Belarus. The control system is designed to reduce the...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Screw-cutting lathe 250 AT.CS" is 1.

The modern world is full of all kinds of signs, plates, signboards and signs, which, for sure, have seen them many times on various tools, devices,...
No products with the selected options in stock

Labels and stickers The company "Contrast" provides services for the manufacture of stickers, stickers and labels for various purposes. Our company...
No products with the selected options in stock

Chalk price tags formats from A3 to A8 (or custom sizes) * The cost is calculated individually depending on the parameters
In stock

Pens with your company logo are always in demand Business souvenirs are the most serious and responsible business. Such products should carry a maximum...
No products with the selected options in stock

Plates on plastic is a modern technology for transferring images and drawings to plastic surfaces. With its help, you can produce spectacular advertising...
No products with the selected options in stock

An indispensable element of the customer or customer service hall, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, is a stand with...
No products with the selected options in stock

Print on canvas stretched on a stretcher. Printing on canvas is a modern way to decorate apartments and offices, while the texture of natural canvas remains...
In stock

With the help of printed product catalogs, companies achieve marketing goals: they increase customer awareness of their activities, gain the loyalty of the...
In stock

Vinyl magnets are the most popular type of promotional magnets. We have our own production, which allows us to achieve high quality at low cost in a short...
In stock

Three-dimensional letters made of expanded polystyrene are a great solution for advertising your business! According to your sketches, we are ready to...
In stock

Today, we describe our emotions with emoticons, short or long eruptions of the soul in social networks or personal correspondence on the network. On paper,...
In stock

RPK "Contrast" offers an alternative, effective, and most importantly budget option for advertising on the external surface of corporate, personal or city...
In stock

Fence cover " Visor" Size:  390x390x65 mm
In stock

Fence cover "Medusa" Size: 450x450x105mm
In stock

Deep drain Size:  500x170x150 mm
In stock

Size: 1500*100*100 mm
In stock

The price is for 1 pack.
In stock

The price is for 1 kg.
In stock

Shovel bayonet Fiskars "Solid" Ergonomic d-handle provides a comfortable grip; The handle fits all hand sizes; for work with gloves and without;...
In stock

Short bayonet shovel Fiskars " Solid" The sharpened blade of hardened steel makes it easy to dig and cut roots The ergonomic d-shaped handle provides...
In stock

Bayonet shovel Fiskars "Solid" Prof Blade made of Finnish boron-doped steel for wear resistance The hardened blade gives the shovel extra strength...
In stock

The "Optimus-Plus" grill is a compact device that can be quickly folded up for movement if necessary. In just 30 seconds, your assistant in preparing your...
In stock

The "Optimus-Plus" grill is a compact device that can be quickly folded up for movement if necessary. In just 30 seconds, your assistant in preparing your...
In stock

GARDENA Classic pruners have all the qualities of a good pruner. They are modern and ergonomic, provide high pruning power, and are best suited for...
In stock

The basic Single Step ™ series of tools is a godsend for both novice gardeners and professionals. Suitable for pruning dry branches up to 20 mm in...
In stock

Axe - kolun Fiskars X17 Cutting edge sharpening angle 35° Thanks to the convex shape of the wedge the axe is easier to pull out of the log A polished...
In stock

Intex metal Frame frame pool. Size: 305*76 cm. Volume: 4485 liters. For adults and children over 6 years old.
In stock

Paving tiles " Pautinka" Size: 300x300x30 mm Weight: 70 kg / m2 This tile perfectly withstands: Temperature differences; Overloads (for...
In stock

Paving slabs "Parquet" Size: 300x300x30mm Weight: 70kg/m2 This tile is great for: temperature fluctuations; Overloads (for example - the...
In stock

Paving tiles " Cloud" Size: 300x300x30 mm Weight: 70 kg / m2 This tile perfectly withstands: Temperature differences; Overloads (for...
In stock

Paving tiles "8 bricks" Size: 400x400x50 mm Weight: 123 kg / m2 This tile perfectly withstands: Temperature differences; Overloads (for...
In stock

Paving tiles " 12 stones" Size: 500x500x60 mm Weight: 128 kg / m2 This tile perfectly withstands: Temperature differences; Overloads (for...
In stock

Paving Stones " Brick" Size:  200x100x60 mm Weight: 127.5 kg / m2
In stock

Curb sidewalk Size:  500*210*70 mm
In stock

Garden border Size:  500*210*35 mm
In stock

Flagstones of "orange peel" Size: 500x500x60 mm Weight: 28 kg / m2 This tile perfectly withstands: Temperature differences; Overloads (for...
In stock

Curb sidewalk Size: 1000*220*75 mm
In stock

The curb of the road Size: 1000*300*150 mm
In stock

Drain Size: 500*160*80 mm Weight: 17 kg / piece
In stock

Border tape Size: 10 cm by 30 m
In stock

Sweet Corn stics 100 g. - ООО "Свитлайф" - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 53%
$0.39 $0.18
Sweet Corn stics "Stepka" , with  vegetable oil and sugar 

Minimum quantity for "Sweet Corn stics 100 g." is 18.

No products with the selected options in stock


Hand skin disinfection and degreasing.
Treatment of the skin for the prevention of pustular and fungal diseases
Fast disinfection of small surfaces and products, including dental equipment and devices, sensors of diagnostic and medical equipment (including ultrasound sensors)
Disinfection of medical gloves and shoes
Volume: 1 liter.
In stock


Hygienic treatment of hands and skin.
Treatment of the feet to prevent fungal diseases
Volume: 1 liter.
In stock


Skin antiseptic

Express surface disinfection

Volume: 1 liter.

In stock


Skin antiseptic.

Express surface disinfection

Volume: 1 liter.

In stock

Popcorn "Stepka" with salt 20 g. - ООО "Свитлайф" - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 48%
$0.18 $0.09
Ingredients: corn grain, vegetable oil, salt. 

Minimum quantity for "Popcorn "Stepka" with salt 20 g." is 30.

No products with the selected options in stock

Popcorn "Stepka" caramel 45 g. - ООО "Свитлайф" - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 48%
$0.28 $0.14
Ingredients: corn grain, vegetable oil, sugar.

Minimum quantity for "Popcorn "Stepka" caramel 45 g." is 30.

No products with the selected options in stock

Popcorn "Stepka" with salt 40 g. - ООО "Свитлайф" - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 47%
$0.31 $0.16
Ingredients: corn grain, vegetable oil, salt.

Minimum quantity for "Popcorn "Stepka" with salt 40 g." is 18.

No products with the selected options in stock

Popcorn "Stepka" chocolate 90 g. - ООО "Свитлайф" - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 50%
$0.56 $0.28
Ingredients: corn grain, vegetable oil, sugar,chocolate.

Minimum quantity for "Popcorn "Stepka" chocolate 90 g." is 18.

No products with the selected options in stock

Popcorn "Stepka" caramel 90 g. - ООО "Свитлайф" - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 50%
$0.56 $0.28
Ingredients: corn grain, vegetable oil, sugar.

Minimum quantity for "Popcorn "Stepka" caramel 90 g." is 18.

No products with the selected options in stock

Corn grain 170 g - ООО "Свитлайф" - Agriculture & Food buy wholesale from manufacturer and supplier on UDM.MARKET Save 49%
$0.56 $0.28
A grain of corn for making popkorn, packaged

Minimum quantity for "Corn grain 170 g" is 30.

No products with the selected options in stock